Definition of



Meaning can be associated with sense or significance.

Meaning is the meaning or significance of a word or expression. The term comes from the verb signify , linked to the sign of an idea or something material and to that which, by convention or imitation, represents something else.

For example: “It is difficult to explain the meaning of love” , “The meaning of stool refers to a seat without backrest or arms” , “I do not understand the meaning of the phrase that the character pronounces at the beginning of the scene” , “In the “At school I learned the meaning of several words in French.”

Different types of meaning

The meaning can also be something that is meant in a certain way : “Only now can we understand the meaning of that celebration of the Argentine player” , “The president's attitude had a very special meaning for the recently arrived immigrants” , “We must judge the act by its symbolic meaning and not by its participants.”

Throughout our growth, we tend to give more than one meaning to certain memories , as we acquire more tools to understand our life and our environment. It is not uncommon to discover in adulthood that we finally understand an attitude that our parents or grandparents had, for example, during our childhood; This can be positive or negative, as it can reveal a terrifying truth or help us forgive someone who, despite what we may have believed in the past, had no intention of hurting us.

The concept in linguistics

For linguistics , meaning is the semantic content of a sign . This content is conditioned by the context and the system in question. The meaning is established from its relationship with the signifier in the linguistic sign .

Ferdinand de Saussure maintains that meaning is a concept that, when associated with an acoustic image (a psychic imprint in the mind), creates the linguistic sign (the minimum unit of a sentence).

Charles Sanders Peirce , another expert in semiotics, understands meaning as an abstraction or mental image that joins the signifier (the material support captured by the senses) to form the linguistic sign, which refers to a referent (real object).


The meaning of dreams can be interpreted in different ways.

Dream Meaning

Since time immemorial, the world of dreams has represented the closest contact that all human beings can have with magic. Incredible experiences that we can live every day, anytime we decide to sleep; encounters with loved ones that we have lost along the way or with those who have hurt us a lot; trips to places we have never visited, either due to lack of resources or because, in reality , they are not part of this planet.

It is worth mentioning that not all people remember their dreams , and that many achieve it only on special occasions; For them, this interdimensional walk may not seem as fascinating as for those who do it regularly and intensely every night, every afternoon during a nap. Those who are fortunate enough to dream, as if it were a matter of watching tailor-made short films in every spare moment, crave it, need it, and it is the meaning of these stories that generates the most intrigue.

There are many sources of information about the meaning of dreams, which attempt to explain the most common symbols, among which are death, the presence of a baby, the feeling of flying, water and the impossibility of running away from a dream. danger.

Despite the attempts of many specialists from various fields to explain the meaning of people's dreams (it is worth mentioning that the rest of the animals also dream) it is necessary to keep in mind that these stories that we live every time we sleep are constructed through from our own experiences, from the living beings that have passed through our lives, from our needs and frustrations, from our deepest fears and desires, which is why this information should be taken as a guide and not as an immovable truth.