Definition of



Sowing consists of scattering seeds.

When determining the etymological origin of the word sowing we have to specify that it is found in Latin. More precisely, it comes from the verb seminare , which can be translated as "lay seeds."

Sowing is the action and effect of sowing (throwing and scattering seeds on the ground that is prepared for that purpose, or doing something that will bear fruit). The term sowing is also used to refer to the time in which it is sown and the land sown.

For example: "My grandfather who lives in the country is very busy: it is planting time" , "The planting was spoiled by the heavy snowfalls" , "Tomorrow we will begin the planting" , "Everyone reaps what they sow: "Those who do evil receive bad things."

Sowing types

In the field of agricultural tasks, sowing can be defined as the process that consists of planting seeds so that they germinate and develop plants . Sowing will be effective if certain conditions are met: the seeds must be healthy, the climate must be suitable for cultivation, etc.

Specifically, we can establish that two clearly delimited types of planting are established. On the one hand, there is what is known as open field sowing. And it is defined by the fact that the land is prepared and then left open as its name indicates.

On the other hand, there is the so-called hand sowing, which consists of throwing seeds into the ground. It is important that this launch be carried out in a homogeneous way. Within this type of planting, there are also several modalities such as those carried out on flat lands, in wide beds or in furrows that have a significant level of elevation.


In agriculture, sowing is essential.

The lunar calendar

It is also important to emphasize that each crop requires that a series of considerations be taken into account to obtain the greatest number of fruits and also their optimal conditions. Among the tricks that many people, whether agricultural professionals or not, have been using, is the lunar calendar.

That is a tool that takes into account the phases of the Moon to know when to plant one crop or another. Thus, for example, it is considered that during the waning moon is the best phase to grow potatoes.

Sowing in agriculture and in a symbolic sense

Corn, soybeans, wheat and oats are some of the crops that are planted. Sowing characteristics vary according to the type of seed. Some require more space to grow, others need greater depth and in certain cases specially treated soil must be used.

In a symbolic sense, sowing is linked to present actions that have future consequences . The action of sowing refers to a stage where a certain behavior is developed that, sooner or later, will yield a result. Popular wisdom indicates that if someone "sows" positive things, they will be rewarded. On the contrary, if the "sowing" is negative, its effects will be harmful.