Definition of



The idea of ​​similarity refers to a similarity.

You have to go to Latin, figuratively speaking, to be able to find the etymological origin of the term similarity . Specifically, we can establish that it emanates from the sum of two elements: the word similia , which can be translated as “similar,” and the suffix – anza , which is equivalent to “abundance.”

Similarity is the quality of being similar (resembling someone or something). Two living beings or similar objects share certain characteristics. For example: “The architect created this mansion in the likeness of the Louvre Palace” , “I do not understand the claim of plagiarism: both works have no similarity” , “The similarities between these books are evident and no one can deny them” .

The similar concept can also be used with a sense of consideration or with a demonstrative nature : “I don't know what to do about such a problem,” “I have never heard such a story.”

Similarity in geometry

Applied to a geometric figure, similarity indicates that the figure is different from another only because of its size, since its parts respectively keep the same proportion. In this sense, similar triangles are those that have a relationship of similarity and, therefore, have a similar shape. In the case of triangles, unlike other figures, the shape depends only on its angles.

In this way, a series of maxims are established that are irrefutable. Specifically, it is stated that all equilateral triangles have the peculiarity that they are similar.

All of this without forgetting that two triangles are generally similar when they have their homologous sides proportional and their homologous angles equal. This is how the maximum known as the ratio of similarity is obtained, which can be defined as the ratio of the proportion of the sides of the triangles.

However, it is also established that the aforementioned ratio of similarity is equal to what would be the ratio of the perimeters of similar triangles.


Christian theology maintains that God created man in his "image and likeness."

The concept in religion

In Christian theology, the Latin expression imago dei is used to refer to the creation of man in the “image and likeness” of God . Theologians believe that this biblical phrase is linked to the dominion that God granted to man over other creatures and the ability to procreate.

The likeness of the Bible , on the other hand, is related to a perfection of the image, understanding image as the reflection of the soul. For Saint Thomas Aquinas , all beings were created in the likeness of God , with the image (soul) being what differentiates man from the rest of the creatures.

Similarity in phonetics and literature

Nor can we ignore the existence of what is known as phonetic similarity , which determines the extent to which two different words are similar. The calculation of that is carried out based on the distance that exists between them and is determined by the fact that the smaller the one, the more similar they are.

Finally, it must be emphasized that there are various literary works that use the term similarity in their title. This would be the case, for example, of “The Marriage of Similarity” which was written in 1996 by John Boswell .