Definition of



A national team brings together the best players in a country.

The concept of selection has its origin in the Latin word selectĭo . It is the action and effect of choosing one or more people or things among others. What is selected is separated from the rest by the preference of the person who chooses.

For example: "I had several options available for my wardrobe tonight, but my selection was black pants and a white shirt," "The selection of the best jazz songs of the decade included numerous compositions by North American artists."

Selection in sport

The notion is associated with the team that is formed with the selection of players or athletes from different clubs to play a match or participate in a tournament. It is common for the team to have a national character (it includes players from the same country) and for the resulting team to participate in international competitions (it faces national teams from other countries).

«The 1970 Brazilian team is among the best teams in history», «There will never be another Argentine team like the one that won the 1986 World Cup» y «The Italian team became champions in Germany 2006 by defeating the French team in the final» son expresiones que muestran este uso.

An evolutionary mechanism

Natural selection is the evolutionary mechanism that is characterized by the differential reproduction of the genotypes of a biological population. The environment favors or hinders the reproduction of living organisms, which gives rise to this selection. Natural selection, therefore, is the main factor in the origin of species and adaptation to the environment.

We can establish that the aforementioned natural selection was the great discovery and the most important contribution made to the scientific field by the English naturalist Charles Darwin . That was raised, analyzed and presented through works such as "The origin of species through natural selection or the preservation of preferred races in the struggle for life" (1859).

However, it was not the only work where he showed his theories. Similarly, we could highlight the one entitled "The origin of man and selection in relation to sex" or "The expression of emotions in animals and in man" .

Human resources

Personnel selection allows you to hire a worker to fill a position.

Personnel selection

However, we should not overlook the fact that this term is also used in the workplace. Specifically, we talk about what is known as personnel selection , which is the process by which people are chosen who will become part of a company by occupying a specific job position.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for selecting the candidates who are eligible to fill the vacant position from among the extensive set of resumes it has in its possession. Thus, after choosing those considered the most appropriate for the position, conduct a personal or group interview to discover their knowledge, skills and qualities. With this set of data you will finally choose the most suitable person to become part of the company.

The term in economics

Adverse selection , finally, is a concept in economics .

This notion holds that, when there is an information asymmetry between sellers and buyers, less desirable products may be selected.