Definition of



A secret is something that is hidden from the knowledge of those who do not share it.

A secret is something hidden, hidden and separated from the knowledge of others . The secret (from Latin secrētus ), therefore, is ignored by most people except those who share it.

There are secrets of different types and that arise in different situations. A secret can consist of hiding information or be linked to a lie. For example: Esteban confesses to Jorge that he is about to buy a house but asks him not to tell anyone. Esteban and Jorge , therefore, share a secret. If another person asks Jorge if he has any news about Juan and he answers no, the secret also implies the existence of a lie.

The secret in different areas

Beyond the domestic or everyday sphere of people, secrets also exist in the most important spheres of power . In these cases, we usually talk about classified or sensitive information that is hidden from the majority of the population for strategic or security reasons. There may be confidentiality agreements , oaths , and other mechanisms that attempt to ensure that the secret in question will not be violated.

A soldier who has information about his country's defense system must keep it secret. Otherwise, such information could fall into enemy hands and pose a great risk to the nation.

Companies also keep secrets. This is generally the information that gives them a competitive advantage over the competition. The secret formula for a drink or the algorithm for a software are examples of corporate secrets.

index finger on lips

The existence of a secret requires the silence of those who know it.

The notion in literature

In the field of literature, secrets have played a very important role when authors write mystery and suspense novels. Thus, for example, there are many works by the British Agatha Christie that are precisely based on the existence of a series of secrets so that all types of plots and crimes take place. This would be the case, for example, of the book titled “Diez negritos” .

However, not only have they been important for the mystery literary genre but also for other types of narratives, such as the case of the work titled “The Secret” . The writer Rhonda Byrne was the one who published it with enormous success in 2006 and it has become a series of positive thoughts and attitudes that help us achieve our purposes and goals.

In this way, this author develops a whole series of mechanisms so that, in the face of any adversity, we can move forward and achieve the success we long for both professionally and personally.

Professional secret in journalism

All of this without forgetting that in the field of journalism there is also what is known as professional secrecy . Basically it is established that the journalist, in the exercise of his work, has the right not only not to reveal his sources but also to maintain silence about the way in which he has obtained certain information.

However, it is important to know that not all countries accept it. Thus, for example, it is not respected in the United States or France .