Definition of


Architectural plan

A section is a part of a whole, created for specific purposes.

A section is a part or division of something larger. In various contexts, the term is used to identify and delimit specific parts within a whole. It can refer to divisions in a written work, areas in a physical location, or particular segments in various fields.

In literature and written documents , sections help organize and structure content . In a book, a report or an article, for example, we can find the introduction , the body and the conclusion . In architecture , sections represent cross sections of a building, providing details about the internal structure and distribution of spaces. They are also applied in the design of products and systems .

In programming , sections may refer to specific fragments of code or to areas of memory reserved for particular functions. Programs are often broken down to make the code easier to understand and maintain. In cartography , sections may indicate divisions of specific geographic areas. Topographic maps, for example, often feature sections representing specific land units.

In education , courses can be divided into sections to address specific topics . Textbooks also organize information in this way to facilitate learning. Legal documents are often divided into sections to address different aspects of the law. This makes it easier to reference and understand legal content.


The word section has an etymological origin that goes back to Latin. It comes from the Latin term sectio , which in turn derives from the verb secare , meaning "to cut." Throughout history, it has maintained its connection to the idea of ​​dividing something into parts .

In the Latin language, sectio was used to refer to the act of cutting or dividing, and was applied in both physical and abstract contexts. During the Middle Ages , the term section was adopted in academia and science to describe the practice of separating an object or subject into more manageable parts. This was reflected in anatomy , geometry and other disciplines where division into sections made study and understanding easier.

In the Renaissance , the idea of ​​dividing and analyzing became central to the scientific method. Scientists and thinkers of the time adopted the notion of section to decompose phenomena and objects into simpler and more understandable parts. Over time, the semantic evolution of this word has maintained its essence, but it has been adapted to various fields and contexts. From its origin in the physical idea of ​​cutting, it has expanded to encompass divisions in a wide variety of disciplines, from anatomy to writing, physics and mathematics.

In literature and writing

In literature and writing, a section is one of the organizational divisions of a text. The chapter is the main portion in a narrative or informative work. Within the chapters, there may be sections that address more specific topics. Paragraphs, in turn, are smaller parts that contain related ideas.

Sections can also serve as tools to help readers navigate a text:

  • the index lists the main sections and their locations;
  • the summary (or summary) provides an overview of the content;
  • The table of contents details the structure of the text, listing chapters, sections and often pages.

Nor can we leave aside the following typical sections of the books:

  • Footnotes – These are additional sections of information found at the bottom of a page. They offer clarifications, references or comments without interrupting the main flow of the text;
  • bibliography - lists the sources used in the text. It may include books, articles , and other consulted works;
  • annexes : additional sections at the end of a document that contain supplementary material, such as graphs, tables , additional documents or data that expand the main information.

The importance of the concept of section in literature and writing can be seen in different aspects:

  • organization and clarity : provides a structure that makes it easier to organize content and improve reader understanding;
  • Navigation – Tools like the index and table of contents allow readers to quickly find specific information;
  • hierarchy of ideas : chapters, sections and paragraphs help establish a hierarchy of ideas, highlighting the relative importance of each section;
  • content expansion : annexes and supplements allow the inclusion of additional material without interfering with the main body of the text.
index of a book

The index is a section that lists others and notes their locations within a book.

Cross section

The cross section is defined according to the field in which we study it:

  • In physics, a cross section is the effective area of ​​interaction between particles in a collision. For example, in nuclear physics, it represents the probability that a particle passes through a target during a collision;
  • In geometry , a cross section is the intersection of a three-dimensional object with a plane. Cutting a solid with a plane reveals the shape and properties of the figure in the cutting plane.

Related sections

In set theory , within the scope of mathematics, the connected section of a set is a subset that is connected, that is, it cannot be divided into two open disjoint non-empty sets.

In the context of algebraic structures , such as groups or rings, the term section can be used to refer to specific subsets that have particular properties relative to the given structure. For example, in group theory, a section could be a subgroup.

Aerial view of a city at night.

Cities are divided into residential, commercial, industrial, etc. sections.

In geography and urban planning

The concept of section can denote a specific division of a geographic or urban area for the purpose of organizing, managing or planning the territory efficiently. This can manifest itself in various ways and at different scales, and its application will depend on the nature of the area in question and the planning objectives.

Let's start with the territorial divisions:

  • district – an administrative or territorial division usually used for local or regional administration. Districts can vary in size and function, often housing smaller subdivisions such as neighborhoods or sectors;
  • zone : specific areas with common characteristics. In the urban context, zones can be designated for different uses, such as residential, commercial or industrial. It can also be applied at a regional level to describe areas with similar geographic or cultural characteristics;
  • region – a geographic division that can encompass a wide variety of characteristics, such as geography, climate, culture, or administration. Regions can be both administrative and geographical and are used to understand and organize large areas of territory.

In the field of urban planning , the concept of section is related to the subdivision of urban areas to facilitate sustainable development and efficiency in the use of space. Some important aspects include:

  • Zoning – involves the classification of urban areas into different zones based on permitted land use. This may include residential, commercial, industrial and recreational areas, among others. Zoning contributes to a coherent and equitable distribution of activities in the city;
  • sectional development – ​​allows a more controlled and structured approach to the construction of infrastructure, utilities and housing;
  • spatial planning : the strategic arrangement of the various sections of a city to maximize the efficiency and quality of life of its inhabitants.