Definition of



The planet Saturn makes up the Solar System.

Saturn is a concept with several meanings. The term has its etymological origin in the medieval Latin Saturnus , which can be translated as "lead" .

The most frequent use is associated with a planet that is part of the Solar System . Saturn , in this framework, is the name of the star that is easily identifiable by its rings .

Characteristics of the planet Saturn

Before detailing the main characteristics of Saturn , it is interesting to mention that the name of the planets is written with lower case letters outside the astronomical context. However, when referring to astronomical objects in a dictionary , an encyclopedia, a specialized publication or a journalistic article, the Urgent Spanish Foundation ( fundéuRAE ) indicates that initial capital letters should be used.

Having clarified this question, we can point out that Saturn is the second largest planet, only surpassed by Jupiter . Like Jupiter , Neptune and Uranus , it is part of the group of gaseous or outer planets , which are located outside the asteroid belt.

The fact of having ring systems and multiple satellites; the power of its magnetic fields; its gaseous constitution; and their rapid rotation are common features of these outer planets.


Saturn is characterized by its rings.

The rings

In the specific case of Saturn , hydrogen and helium are its main components. Experts highlight that it is the only planet in the Solar System whose density is less than that of water.

Saturn's rings were the first to be discovered. Later it was noted that other planets also had these structures, although Saturn 's rings are still considered the most attractive. Their properties continue to be studied: the most important ones are known as A and B and are separated by the so-called Cassini division .

The god Saturn

In Roman mythology, Saturn was the god of crops. He is represented as an old man with a thick gray beard, carrying a sickle in his hand.

According to myth , Saturn 's older brother, Titan , granted him the chance to reign but in exchange for not raising children. Saturn , upon marrying Ops , had descendants although, due to the agreement with Titan , he chose to devour them.

However, Ops hid several of his children and raised them clandestinely until Titan noticed the maneuver and imprisoned Saturn and his wife. Later, Jupiter - one of the sons of Saturn and Ops - faced and defeated Titan , returning the reign to his father. Saturn , however, wanted to assassinate Jupiter but was defeated, so Jupiter was left with his empire .

Synonym of lead

In the context of alchemy , lead was mentioned as Saturn. This chemical element is a soft, heavy metal that has good resistance to corrosion.

Today, lead is used in various ways: to protect cables, in pigments, as shielding, in gasoline... Beyond this usefulness, because lead can cause various health damages, its use is being limited. Lead or saturn poisoning is called lead poisoning .