Definition of

Job satisfaction

Compliance at work

Job satisfaction is associated with an individual's compliance with his or her work environment.

Job satisfaction is the degree of conformity of the person with their work environment. Job satisfaction includes consideration of remuneration, type of work, human relations, safety , etc.

It should be noted that satisfaction is the action and effect of satisfying or being satisfied . The notion, from the Latin satisfitio , is linked to satisfying an appetite, compensating for a need, calming the passions of the spirit, paying what is owed or rewarding a merit.

Labor , on the other hand, is what belongs to or relates to work . This term has several meanings, the most frequent being that which refers to the measure of the effort made by human beings. Labor is one of the three factors of production, along with capital and land.

Job satisfaction and worker attitude

Job satisfaction affects the worker's attitude toward his or her obligations. It can be said that satisfaction arises from the correspondence between the real job and the worker's expectations.

These expectations, on the other hand, are formed through comparisons with other employees or with previous jobs. If a person notices or believes that they are at a disadvantage compared to their colleagues, their level of job satisfaction decreases, just as if they consider that their previous job offered them better conditions .

The greater job satisfaction, the greater the worker 's commitment to their tasks and the greater motivation . On the other hand, when the degree of job satisfaction is low, the worker does not feel the weight of responsibility very strongly and does not put enough effort into his daily activity.


Teamwork often contributes to job satisfaction.

How to increase it

Let's look at some of the most common tips to increase job satisfaction:

  • Hire the right people for each position : although this point does not seem to be directly related to the motivation and state of mind of the workers, it is essential, since only through a staff adequately trained to fulfill their obligations is it possible. create a healthy and productive ecosystem that does not get frustrated by failures and is able to get up and learn from its mistakes.
  • Create ties with workers : regardless of the seniority of an employee, it is necessary to maintain a close and continuous bond of communication with them, to remind them day by day of the company's philosophy, to make them part of the news, to thank them for their efforts. and help you overcome your work problems. The office is not usually a good place for feelings, but relationships between individuals of different hierarchies should not be artificial either; The secret of a company's success lies in the particular traits of the living beings that make it up, and that is why it is so important that they know each other and that they mutually enrich each other.
  • Have an incentive system : money is not everything, but it is usually part of the basis of any employment relationship. In addition to a fair salary , and its eventual increases, it never hurts to reward dedication and perseverance with money, bonuses, exclusive promotions or invitations to events, among the many options that companies usually use. It is worth mentioning that the monetary value of the compensation does not matter, but rather demonstrating to the worker that their effort is taken into account.
  • Promote teamwork : this is perhaps one of the most difficult objectives to achieve in certain very competitive fields, but one of the forms of organization that pays the most when implemented properly. Teamwork allows us to learn from our colleagues, and also helps us to know ourselves better; It makes us more creative and teaches us essential lessons to grow as professionals and as people.