Definition of



Sanitation is a process that aims to promote an improvement in environmental quality.

Sanitation is the process and result of sanitizing . This verb refers to correcting, recovering or repairing something .

For example: “A group of neighbors sued the State for not working on the cleanup of the river,” “The cleanup of the coastal region after the oil spill will take years,” “The candidate for president of the club stated that his main mission will be "the sanitation of the institution's finances."

Sanitation in ecology

The most frequent use of the concept of sanitation is associated with ecology . The term is used to name the procedure whose purpose is to improve the environmental quality of a region or a place.

Sanitation, in this way, involves reducing pollution to protect environmental health . To clean up a certain space, wastewater must be treated, waste collected and emissions of polluting gases minimized, among other issues that must be considered.

Generally, these environmental remediation tasks are very expensive and require an extended period to complete. The State must be in charge of developing the sanitation of those areas affected by pollution that force the population to live in unhealthy conditions.

Coastal front

A beach cleanup contributes to the sanitation of the coastline.

The term in law

Within the scope of law, we have to state that there is what has been called sanitation by eviction . The following aspects of interest can be highlighted:

-It is the obligation that the seller of a thing has when the buyer of the same is considered to be disturbed or dispossessed in whole or in part. This situation of disturbance or dispossession occurs when the buyer has been prevented from entering into possession, when that right corresponded to a third person...

-Based on this aforementioned obligation, it is determined by the restitution of the price of the aforementioned merchandise sold or the payment of the contract expenses borne by the buyer. All this without forgetting that it also has the “duty” to pay the costs that the buyer paid for a lawsuit, among others.

-Within the scope of civil law is, specifically, where the use of this aforementioned sanitation by eviction is resorted to.

-It is considered that this obligation is only intended to protect the buyer.

-In order to be able to talk about the aforementioned eviction, it is necessary that several important and necessary elements come together, such as that there is a person who acquires one thing from another in an onerous manner, that part or all of it is private, that there is a judicial ruling. that determines the execution of the cause…

In the same way, there is also sanitation for hidden defects . This becomes the seller's obligation to respond for the thing sold when it has hidden defects that make it unsuitable for use.

Sanitation of the economy

The idea of ​​sanitation, on the other hand, can be linked to the measures taken to reverse a negative economic situation .

Let's say a new president takes over at a company that owes millions of dollars. This manager decides to promote a sanitation project to cut expenses and increase income, so that he can reduce the debt little by little. Once the company's economic situation has stabilized, it can be said that its accounts are healthy .