Definition of


aromatic smoke

A smudge is a product that is used to smudge (generate aromatic smoke).

The first meaning of the term incense in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to the process and result of incense . This verb refers to generating smoke with an aroma to make something have a pleasant perfume or to purify it.

The notion of incense, in this way, also refers to aromatic smoke and that which is burned with the intention of incensing . The most common use of incense, in short, refers to the product that is marketed for aromatic purposes, to perfume an environment .

For example: “I'm going to light an incense burner to remove the smell of fried food that is left in the house,” “When I want to relax, I light a sandalwood incense burner and listen to jazz,” “For a romantic date, nothing better than having dinner in the light.” of the candles and aromatize the home with a good incense.”

Sahumerios and incenses

It is common for incense to be used as a synonym for incense . According to the RAE , an incense is a combination of resinous elements that emanate a pleasant fragrance when burned. This means that incenses are indeed incenses (they are used to incense).

Generally, incense holders are presented as thin rods that are placed in devices known as incense holders . In order for them to give off their fragrance, the end must be set on fire and, in this way, the incense begins to burn and perfume the environment .


Incenses are incenses.

Different aromas

Thanks to its different components, it is possible to find incense with aromas of coconut , vanilla , grape , roses , jasmine or chocolate , among many others. Some of the most common and purest in composition are listed below, detailing the applications of each one:

* amber : it is related to air, knowledge and history. Among its benefits is that it promotes the meditation necessary for searching for information, as happens when we try to understand a confusing situation. Tarot readers also use this type of incense to perform their readings and other divination tasks;

* cedar : it is associated with fire, like other wooden incense burners. They generally consider it synonymous with strength and power. Its use is recommended in recently built or inaugurated buildings, so that it attracts good energies and promotes a good start to activities. Men can take advantage of its effects in virility rituals;

* sandalwood : it is considered a sacred wood and is linked to water and fire. It is usually used for purification and sanctification purposes, especially for homes and offices, combined with images of various beliefs;

* lavender : it is a promoter of glamor and its effects are highly valued to generate physical attraction, as well as in rituals that seek to increase beauty . On the other hand, it is also used to awaken love in another person, and even in romantic encounters to make the experience very special;

* jasmine : another incense associated with love, although not specifically with physical attraction, but with the inner connection between people, both emotionally and mentally. It focuses on the beauty that our senses cannot perceive, and that is why it is often used in rituals related to friendship and pure feelings;

* cinnamon : it is among the easiest to obtain incense, since it is in high demand in the market. This does have a close link with sexual desire and passion, which is why it is applied to rituals that seek improvements in the sexual life of a couple. On the other hand, given that its most representative element is fire, it also serves to increase positive energy to face exhausting situations;

* vanilla : the incense of the air, associated with cognitive abilities and intelligence. It is especially used to accompany study and work projects where you need to have a clear and focused mind .