Definition of



Sucrose is the common sugar.

Sucrose is a term in our language that comes from the Latin word sacchărum . It is a concept that can be used synonymously with common sugar (a sweet- tasting, white carbohydrate that can dissolve in water).

Sucrose is a disaccharide : that is, a carbohydrate that is formed from the union of two monosaccharide sugars. In the specific case of sucrose, the sugars that are bound are glucose and fructose .

Sucrose crystals acquire white color from light diffraction. Due to its flavor, sucrose is the most popular sweetener . This means that sucrose (common sugar) is added to the foods that you want to sweeten: coffee, a cake, an acidic fruit, etc.

Excessive sucrose consumption

Human beings tend to consume sucrose in excess , something that leads to various health disorders. The reason for such a custom is linked to its appreciated flavor and low cost. That is why many foods include an exaggerated amount of sucrose.

Doctors often warn their patients that sucrose can cause diabetes , cause cavities , and contribute to obesity . For these reasons, they suggest limiting their consumption or using other natural sweeteners that are healthier for the body.

It should be noted that sucrose can be obtained from various sources. The most common are sugar cane and beets . Once the sucrose is obtained, it is purified and crystallized to produce table sugar that is sold in bags, packages and sachets.


It is possible to obtain sucrose from sugar cane.

Your benefits

Although it is known that excessive consumption can have various negative consequences, as discussed in previous paragraphs, common sugar also offers us a good number of benefits , some of which are listed below:

  • It is one of the ingredients with the highest volume of energy for our body. The brain benefits more than any other part of our body from the daily consumption of sucrose, as long as it is a moderate dose , as it provides it with the energy necessary to be active and perform adequately throughout the day.
  • Sucrose is also essential during the first years of life, since it plays a very important role in tissue development . In fact, even in adulthood, both in humans and other animals, the use of common sugar for wound healing is very effective.
  • It allows maintaining the necessary values ​​of glycogen in the body , since its deficiency can cause health problems. Glycogen is a substance found in the muscles and liver in large proportions, and which can be converted into glucose when the body needs it.
  • Another benefit that it offers to people in full growth is an ideal nutritional contribution for adequate physical and mental development, which later translates into greater resistance during activities that require great efforts .
  • The consumption of sucrose also helps with the correct assimilation of protein, another of the fundamental components for our body.
  • Adequate nutrition of the nervous system also depends on a frequent dose of sucrose. In this way, it is possible to reduce the risk of alterations such as nervous breakdowns.
  • Its deficiency increases appetite and produces anxiety, which can frequently be seen in diets that are too severe, and that is why it is important to consume sucrose, even in small quantities.
  • Since it has a relaxing effect , it is ideal for falling asleep and many doctors indicate it as a kind of natural remedy to avoid insomnia .