Definition of



A rupture can lead to material damage.

Rupture is a concept that comes from the Latin word ruptūra . It is about the act and consequence of breaking or breaking .

For example: “The breakup of the Perito Moreno glacier once again amazed the tourists who came to the place to see the natural spectacle” , “The flooding of the river caused the bridge to break, leaving the city isolated” , “ "I'm not going to refer to the breakup since I don't like to talk about my private life."

Object breakage

Breaks can affect material elements. The breakage of a water pipe , to cite one possibility, implies that a pipe breaks and the water it carried begins to gush out.

The breakage of a chair , on the other hand, means that it can no longer be used.

The concept in institutional or diplomatic relations

The break can also occur in the framework of diplomatic or institutional relations : “The European country announced the breaking of relations with the Asian nation after the harsh words of its chancellor,” “The Socialist Party analyzes the possible break of its alliance with the Progressive Democratic Party” , “The president of the Spanish company ruled out the breakup of the partnership with the Italian firm and even reported that they will develop new projects together” .

For a country, diplomatic relations are very important. When a breakup occurs, a valuable means of communication and negotiation with the other nation is lost.


When a couple separates, it is often referred to as a breakup.

Sentimental breakup

The most frequent use of the notion, however, is linked to relationships . When two people who were in a romantic relationship separate, we talk about a breakup: “Journalists claim that the breakup occurred due to the singer's frequent infidelities,” “After the breakup, I was depressed for three months,” “The footballer denied the breakup rumors .

Relationships are one of the most important issues in human life, especially when in society , because of the pressures that the system exerts on us to find our better half and share life with her. But this is not easy, and many times we get together with the wrong person, or we rush to build a relationship, and this leads to an inevitable breakup.

How to get over a breakup

Just as no one teaches us how to live as a couple, they don't prepare us to get over a breakup either . Depending on the degree of closeness that has existed between two people, and the time they have spent together, stopping living together or seeing each other from one day to the next is not easy; In fact, for some it can lead to serious health consequences, both physical and mental.

One of the first mistakes we usually make is to blame ourselves for the breakup. Why is it a mistake? Because couple relationships are built and maintained between two individuals, and each one contributes their percentage of positive and negative experiences , collaborates in constructive moments and in the erosion of the bond. This does not mean that the responsibility for a separation should always be divided 50-50, since there are cases in which one of the two parties makes an unforgivable mistake for the other, but it is necessary to look at the picture from a certain distance, to understand that most likely both have contributed to the breakup.

On the other hand, when a person ends up experiencing a separation, certain scavengers tend to appear who try to take advantage of their situation, and it is good to be careful not to fall into their clutches. What they are looking for, in general, is a temporary relationship, mainly focused on sex, although there are also those who seek to obtain financial or other benefits .

Sometimes, even those who want to help us make things even more difficult for us, either by speaking badly about our former partner, or by pushing us to start a new relationship to forget it as soon as possible. Therefore we should not try to please everyone ; Our most important objective must be to rediscover ourselves and understand that we do not depend on anyone to live and be happy .