Definition of



Rudeness is usually associated with the use of physical force.

Rudeness is the condition of one who is rude . This adjective , which comes from the Latin word rudis , refers to someone who acts in a rustic or brutal manner .

For example: “The man answered the question rudely, without delving into explanations,” “The teacher asked the boys not to play roughly since they could get hurt,” “The security forces should not act with unnecessary rudeness.” .

Rudeness and violence

Rudeness is usually associated with aggression or physical violence . Rudeness generally does not involve a direct attack, but rather is linked to excessive use of force . If it is said that, in a soccer match, a defender rudely marked a rival player, this will be referring to the fact that the defender repeatedly resorted to physical contact.

On the other hand, if someone mentions that the police acted rudely when arresting a suspect, this indicates that the officers did not treat the person in question gently. Needless to say, in certain contexts, police brutality is tolerated, as members of this institution can legitimately use force as long as they do not go too far. It is unlikely that an officer will be able to stop a criminal without some roughness if he tries to escape by all means, for example.

Excess force

It is known that the police force in many countries often exceeds the roughness they apply during arrests , and this can happen for a variety of reasons. On the one hand there is racism , a very serious social problem that unfortunately we cannot solve and continues to destroy the lives of millions of people every day. Likewise, religious fanaticism or sexism may be other reasons why a police officer may treat a civilian too violently .

In a case like this, it is very difficult to act, especially if the reasons and interests behind the abuse correspond to an organization larger and more powerful than a simple person. Reporting the police itself is not easy, but it is more common than it seems, since these types of acts of injustice occur every day.


Rudeness can also be verbal.

Verbal rudeness

Rudeness can also be verbal . An individual who tries to explain something to another by shouting and insulting will be addressing his interlocutor rudely.

The same will be done by someone who responds with monosyllables and unkind words to another person's questions.

An orthographic sign

In the field of spelling, we speak of rough, strong or harsh spirit as an orthographic sign typical of classical Greek that is written over the initial vowels of certain words to indicate that they should be pronounced with a slight aspiration, similar to the way in that the English "H" sounds like.

The rough spirit, as well as the soft one (which served to indicate just the opposite, that the vowels should be read without aspiration), was used in polytonic orthography, a writing system characterized by the use of various accents (such as acute, the grave and the circumflex, in addition to the two spirits just mentioned).

The origin of the soft and rough spirits took place in the 2nd century BC. C. , and its author was Aristophanes of Byzantium , an Alexandrian grammarian of great fame. Its purpose was to make reading Homer's literary legacy easier and to prevent the language from being corrupted when used by people from other cultures and languages. During the Hellenistic period the aspirated sound of Greek disappeared, although these orthographic signs were maintained; They were only discarded when modern spelling was established in the 1980s .