Definition of



Risk is associated with the proximity of possible damage.

Risk is a term that comes from Italian, a language that, in turn, adopted it from a classical Arabic word that could be translated as "what providence brings." The term refers to the proximity or contingency of possible damage .

The notion of risk is often used as a synonym for danger . Risk, however, is linked to vulnerability, while danger appears associated with the feasibility of harm or damage. It is possible to distinguish, therefore, between risk (the possibility of damage ) and danger (the probability of accident or pathology). In other words, danger is a cause of risk.

Another concept generally linked to risk is threat , and it is a saying or fact that anticipates harm. Something can be considered a threat when there is at least one specific incident in which the threat has materialized.

Types of risk

There are risks of different types and that arise in different areas. Occupational risk , for example, allows reference to the lack of stability or security in a job . Biological risk , on the other hand, refers to the possibility of contagion in the midst of an epidemic or through contact with biological materials that are potentially dangerous.

Financial risk , meanwhile, is related to the monetary solvency of a person, a company or a country . This notion refers to the ability to pay a debt incurred. A country with high levels of unemployment, low production, high inflation and large debts presents a very high financial risk. Therefore, it is unlikely that said nation will access new credits, since it would face serious difficulties in paying them.


Due to their vulnerability, children face multiple risks.


Each family adopts different methodologies to raise their children and relies on different moral principles and beliefs, which affect their decisions and their perspective of the world around them. Some of the most common elements of Western civilizations are distrust of strangers, censorship of erotic material up to a certain age, and the assumption that children are safe in school; These three points, as we will see below, do not always offer the expected results .

Firstly, many studies carried out with children and adolescents who have suffered abuse of various types show that in more than 50% their aggressors were family members or close friends of their parents. Given this terrifying information, feeding the myth of the bagman does nothing but increase the chances of these known abusers .

With respect to sexual content, it could be said that since the appearance of the Internet , parents have very few possibilities to supervise the information their children consult; Although all devices with Internet access have parental control systems, there are more ways to bypass blocks than to apply them, and any child with computer skills can quickly find the recipe for ignoring decisions. of their elders.

Risks in schools

It should be noted that schools can become real nightmares for many students, especially for those who have physical defects that are impossible to hide, for homosexuals and for those who belong to a race or religion despised by their environment. The physical attacks are only the most obvious portion of the suffering to which they are subjected; Psychological torture has infinitely more serious consequences, such as suicide and depression.

Childhood should be the best stage of our lives, a period of sincere love and constant learning and enrichment; In practice, however, every step we take carries risk, and we don't always trust the right person .