Definition of



A covering is something that covers something (a wall, a floor, etc.).

The first thing we are going to do is proceed to determine the etymological origin of the term coating that concerns us now. Specifically, when doing it we discovered that it comes from Latin, since it is made up of two parts of that language: the prefix re- , which indicates what would be "repetition", and the verbvestire , which can be translated as "put the clothes on". ».

Coating is the action and effect of covering (covering, disguising, simulating). The concept is used to name the cover or layer that decorates or protects a surface . For example: "Our company specializes in the manufacture of wooden coverings" , "I am thinking of making a covering for the kitchen walls" , "Jorge bought a house whose façade has a beautiful stone covering" .

Coating in construction and decoration

For construction and decoration , siding is a layer of a specific material used for protection or adornment of walls, ceiling or floor. It is common that, when the passage of time affects the surface, it is decided to install a coating that hides the damage.

Coatings include ceramics , wood , paper (used for wallpaper) and paint . It is possible to place coatings both inside the house and on the outside (facade).

If the idea is to apply a coating, the first thing to do is remove the previous layers until the surface is smooth. Otherwise, the aesthetic result will not be satisfactory.

In the case of floor coverings, the most modern ones do not require glue but are installed floating, fixing them to panels.


Wood siding is very popular.

A protection mechanism

Exterior coatings , for their part, are also important for the protection of buildings. Brick, marble and tile are among the most popular materials.

However, we cannot ignore many other types of coatings for what would be the exterior and façade of any building. Specifically, among them are also stuccos, lime, acrylics or plasters. With any of them, what is achieved is that it not only looks better but also that it is waterproofed or with much more durable protection for its walls.

In addition to houses and buildings, swimming pools, for example, also need to have a coating. In your case, there are also a multitude of materials to make it up, although ceramics and liner stand out in particular. This is created from PVC and in recent years it has become in high demand because it offers great flexibility, because it has a wide variety of designs on the market and because it is a perfect combination between quality and price.

Lining epithelium

The lining epithelium , finally, is the epithelial tissue that makes up the epidermis and the outer layer of the mucous membranes.

We can say that it is of two types: polystratified, which has the peculiarity that it carries out the formation of several layers of cells, and monostratified, which, as its name indicates, is the one that makes up a single layer of those.