Definition of



Retracting is usually associated with regret.

Retract is a verb that refers to invalidating or annulling something that was previously said . Whoever retracts, therefore, takes back his word or shows his regret for certain words he uttered.

For example: “The deputy is going to have to retract his statements: his expressions constitute an insult” , “Rest assured, if they prove to me that I am wrong, I will retract them” , “Given the commotion his statements caused, “The footballer had to recant.”

Etymology of retract

To know what the meaning of retract is, it is important to know its etymological origin. In this sense, it must be stated that it derives from the Latin retractare , a verb resulting from the sum of the following components:

  • The prefix re- , which means “backwards” .
  • The noun tractus , which is synonymous with “stretch” .
  • The suffix -ar , which is used to form certain verbs.

Origin of action

The retraction can arise spontaneously and sincerely within the person, or be forced by another person or others. Suppose a man, in a moment of anger , accuses his partner of being a “swindler” in the middle of a business meeting. Hours later, calmer, he understands that he was wrong and then decides to retract it: he apologizes to his partner and sends an email to everyone who was present at the meeting stating that his statements were wrong.

In other cases, people recant due to pressure or to avoid being sued. A politician can accuse another of being “racist.” This second leader, outraged, threatens to sue the person who insulted him. In this way, the person who made the accusation has to retract it to avoid a bigger problem , although he does not really regret his statements.


It is common that, after an argument, a person must retract something they said in the heat of the debate.

When public figures should recant

On television, for example, it is common for program contributors and commentators to have to resort to retracting. And, as usually happens in debates that are "heated" by the atmosphere, it is common that in this heated discussion certain statements are made about the person in front of them that can call into question their professionalism or the motives behind them. is behind their arguments.

For this reason, after they have made certain comments, many choose to retract them and apologize publicly, since that is the way to avoid being sued in court.

However, sometimes public figures retract their words simply so that they are not misunderstood or if they have caused some discomfort. Thus, for example, the Spanish politician of the Popular Party Esperanza Aguirre has on occasion had to retract her comments about the actions undertaken by the former president of her party and the country, Mariano Rajoy , in order not to create conflict with him. .

A work of Saint Augustine

“Retractions” , finally, is a work by Saint Augustine where he reflects on his previous books.

In this work, the religious presents a prologue and then an analysis that is divided into two large sections.