Definition of



A challenge can be a challenge.

A challenge is an invitation to duel , a provocation or a challenge . It could be a threat or intimidation : "If you are so sure of what you say, I dare you to go together and ask Micaela what she thinks about this situation," "She looked him straight in the eyes and exclaimed with firm voice: 'I challenge him to a duel: whoever loses will leave the town.'"

In another sense, the notion of challenge is used as a synonym for scolding or reprimand . It is common for parents to challenge their children or teachers to challenge their students when they do not behave appropriately: «The math teacher's challenge was heard in several classrooms: she was furious because the boys had gotten into a fistfight in the middle of the classroom. living room" , "Didn't you have enough of yesterday's challenge that now you're doing the same thing again?" .

In American football , a challenge is a mechanism by the head coach, referee or player to review a controversial play in the middle of a game.

The challenge as a test or objective

The challenge can also be a difficult objective to achieve . Due to its very characteristics, the challenge constitutes a challenge for those who decide to face it and, at the same time, a stimulus : "Getting to the top of the mountain was a real challenge, but thanks to previous training I was able to achieve it." team is willing to take on the challenge and try to achieve the title despite the unfavorable situation in which it finds itself" , "Getting a job after the age of fifty can be a challenge that is impossible to overcome."

On a personal level, we all set different challenges throughout our lives, ranging from small goals to ideals toward which we walk for years and decades. Within the first group are, for example, quitting tobacco and losing weight; Although these are important goals, since they are closely related to health, they can usually be resolved within a few months.


A scolding is called a challenge.

Some challenges of humanity

As a species, human beings have spent too much time attacking the planet and the resources it offers us, to the point of having affected the balance with which it received us. As a consequence, it is necessary that we set ourselves a series of challenges to correct our mistakes. Let's look at some of them below:

* confront climate change : in the month of May 2011, levels of CO2 in the atmosphere were detected higher than those found in the last two million years. Global warming is a real and very serious problem, which many do not take seriously, despite having been the cause of more than 850 of the 950 natural disasters that occurred in 2010, during which nearly 300 thousand people;

* Drinking water for all : The 1990s marked the beginning of a major expansion of drinking water services in the world. There are hundreds of millions of people who have since had access to a better quality of life; but there are still hundreds of millions more left out of progress. It is worth mentioning that in some countries it is estimated that 50% of the problems treated in public hospitals are related to the quality of the water they consume;

* reduce the gap between social classes : it is believed that about 15% of the world's population lives in extreme poverty, and that there are almost 2 billion people considered poor. Between 2005 and 2010, 900 million people were able to leave extreme poverty and the World Bank assures that by 2015 another 17 million will follow. Despite these data, the gap between the poor and the rich continues to increase.