The idea of resistance can be used in multiple ways: in this case, we are interested in its meaning as the ability to tolerate or endure something . Understood as a physical capacity of the human being, resistance is linked to the possibility of developing an effort for the longest possible period.
The concept of aerobiosis , for its part, refers to life that develops in an environment with oxygen . From these definitions, therefore, we can understand what aerobic endurance is.
It is the ability of a person to develop an effort of reduced or medium intensity for a long time . This capacity depends on oxygen management: that is, on the balance that the subject manages to achieve between the need for oxygen due to the activity and the consumption that is actually carried out.
Characteristics of aerobic endurance
A person with good aerobic resistance can tolerate the fatigue generated by exercise , managing to maintain the pace and intensity for a considerable time. Those who have high aerobic resistance, therefore, do not experience a relevant drop in physical performance even as the minutes pass.
Thanks to aerobic resistance, the body can maintain efficient functioning in the face of sustained effort over time . The heart and lungs, which are subjected to the demands of physical activity, use the oxygen absorbed through breathing as fuel .
Benefits of improving it
If everything mentioned about aerobic resistance is interesting, it is also important for anyone to improve what they have because this way they can enjoy benefits as important as these:
– Decreases your blood pressure.
– It achieves a notable reduction in mortality risks.
– It allows us to achieve a significant reduction in the chances of having to deal with osteoporosis problems as well as diseases such as diabetes or some of a cardiovascular nature.
Other considerations about aerobic endurance
In addition to all this, we cannot forget to take into consideration other important aspects about the aforementioned aerobic resistance, such as these:
– Walking is one of the best exercises that exist to increase it since, in addition to being really effective in this regard, it can be practiced anywhere and at no cost of any kind, that is, without having to purchase special clothing or footwear. even without having to go to a gym.
– In the same way, it is established that anyone who wants to improve said resistance can also choose to run or ride a bicycle, whether static or not.
– The third type of sport that is believed to be great for increasing aerobic endurance is swimming . Specifically, this is considered to be the best alternative for people who want to achieve this goal and have obesity problems or suffer some type of difficulties in their joints.
– Athletes who run long distances, such as marathoners , need great aerobic resistance to sustain the effort that these competitions demand.