Definition of



The taste that remains in the mouth after ingesting something is known as an aftertaste.

Resabio is a term derived from the Latin resapĕre . We can also establish that this Latin word is the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated parts: the prefix re- , which can be translated as “backwards” or “again” ; and the verb sapere , which is synonymous with “having good taste .”

It may be the taste , generally unpleasant, that remains in the mouth after eating or chewing certain foods. For example: “The mushrooms left me with a bitter aftertaste that I can't get rid of,” “After drinking the wine, the winemaker noticed a sour aftertaste,” “I still have fruity aftertastes on my palate .”

A remnant can also be a negative habit or practice that is adopted and persists: “There are still traces of authoritarianism in this country,” “The candidate promised to put an end to any statist remnant,” “The sociologist invited those present to work together.” to banish sexist resentments from the community.”

The aftertaste as remains of something

Aftertaste can be understood, therefore, as remains or reminiscences of something . There are those who claim that the political and administrative situation of the Malvinas Islands and Gibraltar constitutes a “remnant of colonialism” . Both territories are under the dominion of the United Kingdom , but are claimed by other States ( Argentina in the case of the Falkland Islands and Spain in relation to Gibraltar ) that argue various reasons in their complaint. According to Argentina and Spain , the United Kingdom is developing a colonialist policy in these lands, typical of times past: that is why they speak of “remnants of colonialism.”

Suppose, on the other hand, that a new coach takes over the technical direction of a club whose squad is made up of twenty players. Two years later, at the initiative of this coach, those twenty players are no longer in the club and were replaced by others. It can be stated, in this sense, that there are no longer any remnants of the squad put together by the previous technical board.


It is often indicated that the Malvinas Islands are a "remnant of colonialism" since it is a territory administered by the United Kingdom that is claimed by the Argentine State.

The term in horse riding

Within the world of horse riding, this term that concerns us now takes on special prominence. So much so that it is common for professionals to talk about removing aftertaste , which is the practice that aims to ensure that foals, mares and horses completely eliminate the habits and customs they have in order to facilitate their training. as well as what bad behaviors are.

Bad treatment suffered, a strong character or having been employed in different activities are some of the reasons why it is necessary to undertake the aforementioned removal of aftertaste. How is this carried out? Starting from a series of premises and important actions, such as these:

  • Be patient, because only then can you achieve your goal. And you have to know that each animal has a character and each aftertaste may take more or less time to make it disappear.
  • It is essential to discover the origin of this situation, in order to find the most suitable way to eliminate it as quickly as possible.
  • Under no circumstances should you resort to violence, because the only thing that will cause is the rejection of the animal in question, which will significantly complicate the purpose.