Definition of


Person holding a megaphone on bricks background

The representative acts on behalf of other people, groups or interests.

A representative is a person or entity that acts on behalf of other individuals, groups or interests, carrying out specific functions or making decisions on their behalf. The relevance of representatives can vary in different contexts, and their role is fundamental in various areas, such as politics, business, law and social organizations.

In the political sphere, representatives are usually elected by vote to hold public office and legislate on behalf of their constituents. In the business world, representatives can be sales agents who act on behalf of a company to promote and sell its products or services. In the legal field, lawyers represent their clients in legal proceedings.

In social organizations, unions or other entities, representatives defend the interests and concerns of a specific group of people. In summary, the concept of representative is essential for delegating responsibilities and making decisions on behalf of others in a variety of contexts.

Political representatives

Political representatives are individuals elected by citizens to perform roles and responsibilities in decision-making at the government level. Its main function is to represent the interests and concerns of its constituents, participating in the formulation of laws, policies and decisions that affect society as a whole. This system is fundamental in democracies.

Political representatives are chosen through electoral processes. They can hold positions at different levels, such as local, state or national, depending on the jurisdiction. Their mandate may have a certain duration, and they have the responsibility to make decisions that benefit the population that elected them.

Let's look at some examples below:

  • ambassador : is a political representative of one country in another, responsible for promoting the interests and maintaining diplomatic relations between nations;
  • leader : leads and guides a group, whether a political party, region, or nation, making decisions and setting direction;
  • diplomat – represents your country in international affairs, participating in negotiations and promoting diplomatic relations;
  • senator : in an upper house of parliament, responsible for legislating and representing their jurisdiction;
  • deputy : similar to senator, represents a jurisdiction in the lower house of parliament and contributes to the formulation of laws;
  • councilor – at the local level, usually on a municipal council, participating in making decisions affecting a community;
  • consul : is a diplomatic representative in charge of protecting the interests and citizens of his country in a foreign city;
  • governor : leads a state or province, being the main executive and responsible for government administration at the regional level.

In this list, where we could also include roles such as president, minister , official, president , vice president, mayor and spokesperson , we can appreciate the diversity of political representatives at different levels and contexts, from the local to the international.

Barack Obama giving a speech

Presidents are the most significant representatives of a country.

The good representative

A good representative, whether in business, politics or any other field, has a series of essential characteristics and skills that contribute to their success in representing interests and making decisions.

First of all, you must be a good negotiator and stand out for your:

  • Flexibility – A good representative must be able to adapt to changing situations and find creative solutions to solve problems;
  • knowledge : about the topic it represents, as well as understanding the interests and needs of the parties involved in the negotiation;
  • Empathy : The ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand their perspectives is essential to reaching mutually beneficial agreements, especially when acting as a mediator.

Regarding your communication skills:

  • Clarity : An effective spokesperson , for example, must be able to communicate his or her ideas in a way that is clear and understandable to diverse audiences;
  • Active listening – The ability to listen carefully to all parties involved is crucial to understanding their concerns and needs;
  • Non-verbal communication – Body language and facial expressions are also integral to effective communication.

Given the areas in which you work, you must be an upright person, characterized by:

  • Honesty – You must be honest in all your interactions and transparent in the presentation of information;
  • respect : towards all parties, regardless of their opinions or positions. This is essential to building lasting relationships;
  • professional ethics : when acting in all situations, even when facing pressure or temptations.
  • Teamwork – Collaborating effectively with colleagues and clients is crucial to achieving common goals.

Regarding your training and tools, you must have:

  • knowledge of the environment : understanding the environment in which one operates and the dynamics of the context is crucial to making informed and strategic decisions;
  • Global awareness – In an increasingly interconnected world, a good representative must have a global understanding of problems and opportunities.
  • Networking – Building and maintaining strong relationships with diverse people and groups is essential for long-term success.
Executive woman giving a presentation

The good representative must have specific knowledge, an excellent level of communication and know how to work as a team.


There are various representative roles under the title of “ agent ”. Let's look at some below:

  • sales agent – ​​a professional charged with promoting and selling products or services on behalf of a company;
  • literary agent – ​​represents writers and authors, negotiating publishing contracts and working to secure the best terms and conditions for their clients;
  • talent agent : negotiate contracts and manage the careers of actors, musicians, models and other entertainment professionals;
  • sports agent – ​​represent professional athletes and negotiate contracts with teams, sponsors, and other business partners;
  • real estate agent : facilitates the purchase, sale or rental of properties. Acts as an intermediary between buyers and sellers;
  • public relations agent : they manage the image and reputation of individuals or companies;
  • Travel Agent – ​​Helps plan and organize trips for individuals or groups. Offers advice on destinations, books flights, hotels and activities, and provides relevant information on logistical and cultural aspects;
  • customs broker – facilitate the process of importing and exporting goods, ensuring that legal and customs requirements are met;
  • financial agent – ​​advises clients on issues related to investments, insurance, financial planning and asset management;
  • freight forwarder : facilitates the transportation of goods, coordinating the shipment and receipt of cargo;
  • casting agent – ​​works in the entertainment industry selecting and hiring actors for film, television, theater or commercial productions;
  • patent agent – ​​help inventors and companies obtain legal protection for their inventions;
  • licensing agent – ​​manages intellectual property rights, such as brands, characters or music;
  • Purchasing Agent – ​​Acts on behalf of companies or individuals to acquire products or services.