Definition of



Military surrender occurs when an army gives up.

Surrender is the action and effect of surrendering or surrendering . This verb refers to the submission of someone ( “The troops of the African nation surrendered after the advance of the enemy forces” ), giving someone what is due ( “I have to give an account to you” ) or giving fruit or usefulness ( “This player performs better when he plays as a defender.”

In general, the concept of surrender (from the Latin redditĭo ) has two broad uses: one linked to the military field and another referring to financial accounts.

Surrender at the military level

At the military level, surrender refers to an army's decision to give up . Surrender means that one of the parties will stop fighting and recognize that it has been defeated by its adversary . In a war , this can be the first step towards the peace process.

Starting from this political and military meaning we have to emphasize that one of the best-known surrenders in history is the famous surrender of Breda , which was the result of one of the most important campaigns carried out by the Spanish armies in the 17th century .

Specifically, it was in the year 1625 when, within the Eighty Years' War, it took place. The well-known Spanish Tercios were facing the United Provinces of the Netherlands and in that fight the former decided to besiege the city of Breda , under the government of Nassau , which they finally managed to conquer thanks to the leadership of Ambrosio Spínola .

This triumph is one of the most important that Spain and the aforementioned general had and that is why it has been a source of inspiration for many artists. In this way, we find the fact that one of the paintings that best reflects this historical event is the painting that Diego Velázquez made in 1634 and which is known by the title “The Surrender of Breda” . This work is currently on display at the Prado Museum in Madrid .

However, in Spain there is another very famous historical surrender. We are referring to the one that the then king of Granada , Boabdil el Chico , performed before the Catholic Monarchs ( Fernand and Isabella ) in 1491 . This aforementioned surrender is also known as the Capitulations of Granada with which the first monarch renounced his sovereignty of said land in favor of the Christian kings.


When presenting a detail of expenses, an accounting is carried out.

The term in sport

In this sense, the idea of ​​surrender can also be used in sports such as boxing or wrestling.

A fighter who surrenders decides not to continue the fight, so his opponent is the winner. This surrender is usually linked to intense pain or a physical inconvenience that prevents the fight from continuing normally.


Regarding financial accounts, rendering involves the presentation of certain accounts or balance sheets.

For example, employees who must travel usually submit a statement of their travel expenses, which are the expenses involved in travel required by their work duties. Many times, these travel expenses include transportation and food expenses. With the surrender of travel expenses , the employee demonstrates to the company that he has spent money on his work, so the company proceeds to return the amount paid.