Definition of



A remodel involves making changes or repairs to a structure.

Remodeling is the process and result of remodeling . This verb , for its part, refers to modifying, altering or transforming something , either through changes in its general structure or in certain specific components .

For example: "The remodeling of the hospital will require an investment of ten million pesos," "When we decided to undertake the remodeling of the house, we never thought that the works would take so long," "It is necessary to remodel the productive structure." of the province since, otherwise, there will be more and more unemployed in the region .

Building Remodeling

The most frequent use of the term is linked to the works carried out on a building to modify the characteristics of the construction . These are projects that are usually directed by architects, since they can be of great magnitude.

A one-story, three-room house can be converted, through remodeling, into a two-story, five-room home. In this way, the construction in question will offer more comforts to its inhabitants.


Home remodeling often includes painting work.

Changes in an open space

It is possible, on the other hand, that the remodeling of an open space could be developed.

A park , to name one possibility, can be remodeled through the planting of trees, the creation of a pond with fish, the installation of infrastructure for the practice of outdoor sports and the implementation of a new lighting system. .

Remodeling and "do it yourself"

Especially in private remodeling projects , that is, one's own home or a small office, there is the option of doing all the work yourself. The method known as "do it yourself" (which derives from the English expression do it yourself and its respective acronym DIY ) is increasingly popular, given the possibilities of its dissemination through the Internet.

In the pre-Net era, this series of tips and recipes to give new life to our environments were distributed through television, in the form of programs broadcast at low-audience times, and in specialized magazines, among other media. However, nowadays it is not necessary to wait or invest money to find countless videos and detailed articles that teach us the secrets of remodeling interiors and exteriors at the lowest possible cost .

The step by step

One of the first steps when carrying out a remodeling, whether in the hands of a professional or an amateur, is to decide what color palette we want to use for the entire environment or building in question. Also, when dealing with a single room, it is important to consider how this will affect the style of the others.

Having decided on the desired color combination, it is time to move on to the materials and products with which we will give a new look to the room. But a very important element comes into play here: the available budget . The only case in which there are no worries is when there is money to spare; The other entrepreneurs, for their part, must make intelligent decisions, so that they make the most of their capital, to avoid the remodeling appearing incomplete.

In addition to improving the appearance, remodeling can serve to make better use of space in apparently very small environments; In this sense, the power of a renovation should not be underestimated, since many times the poor distribution of furniture is the main cause of lack of space.

Symbolic remodeling

Renovations can also be rather symbolic , in the sense of not changing physical (material) structures .

The remodeling of a political party can imply a change of authorities and an update of its program , and the same can happen within the scope of a company, if after a series of commercial failures it decides to give its corporate image a facelift.