Definition of



In the field of medicine, we speak of remission when a disorder becomes inactive or disappears.

Latin is where we find the etymological origin of the word remission . In this sense we can say that it emanates from “remissio”, which is the result of the sum of three components:

• The prefix “re-“, which indicates “backwards”.

• The term “missus”, which can be translated as “sent”.

• The suffix “-sion”, which is used to refer to “action and effect”.

What is remission

Remission is a term that is related to the verb remit . This action can be associated with sending something to an individual who is in another place, with condoning a penalty or a burden , or with limiting oneself to doing or saying what one has agreed to do.

The referral, therefore, can refer to this action itself or to its consequences. For example: "Check that the northern branch has completed the transfer of the papers" , "I have not responded to the opposition's criticism, which demonstrates my commitment to the tasks intrinsic to my responsibility" , "The convicted person requested a transfer of the pain to be able to be with his sick son.”

The concept in law

In the field of law , remission is known as the action decided by a subject who abdicates a right he or she has against another individual, which makes this second person free to pay off his or her debt.

In this sense, we cannot ignore what is known as remission of sentence . This is a term used to refer to the fact that a part of the actual time spent in prison is “forgiven” because the inmate has had good behavior and, at the same time, has carried out actions to reintegrate. in society.

Thus, for example, to proceed with the remission of the sentence, activities such as carrying out a school year, collaborating in the different tasks of the penitentiary center, taking part in different training workshops can be taken into account...


The remission of a sentence implies the remission of part of the punishment.

The conditional remission

In the same way there is what is known as conditional remission . This occurs when the judicial authority decides to suspend what would be the custodial sentences. For this to occur, it is important that the prisoner has committed a crime for the first time, that he has already satisfied the civil responsibilities that had been established for him and also that the prison sentence is not more than two years.

Under these circumstances, the relevant judge can proceed to grant the aforementioned type of remission.

The notion in medicine

For medicine , a remission of a disease occurs when the disorder appears inactive in those people who suffer from a chronic illness. If the remission surprises the doctor because it is unexpected or because it does not follow the usual clinical patterns, it is called a spontaneous remission .

Spontaneous remissions can occur for various reasons, such as a mistake by the medical professional when diagnosing the characteristics of the disease, the positive consequences that the ingestion of a placebo generates in a patient, or even causes that cannot be explained by science or the rational (such as those cures attributed to a miracle).