Definition of



A religion implies a creed and a dogma about a divinity.

The concept of religion has its origin in the Latin term religĭo and refers to the creed and dogmatic knowledge about a divine entity . Religion implies a link between man and God or the gods ; According to their beliefs, the person will govern their behavior according to a certain morality and will engage in certain rites (such as prayer, processions, etc.).

For example: "Religion is the driving force of my life and what sustains me in bad times" , "I am one of those who think that religion should not mix with the State" , "If you have problems, seek refuge in religion." » .

Marx's view

Such is the influence that religion, regardless of its type, has exerted on human beings over the centuries that it has brought with it a large number of situations and opinions that have undoubtedly managed to leave no one indifferent.

Thus, for example, there have been highly relevant historical figures such as the philosopher Karl Marx who did not hesitate for a single moment to criticize the aforementioned doctrine or set of beliefs. In his most specific case, he defined it as the opium of the people because he considered that what the aforementioned religion did was numb the reason of the citizens, it was manipulating them to let their ideas and reasoning remain lethargic and thus they could not rebel against the injustices they suffered. those who were subjected or to the oppressors who restricted them at all times.

Wars over religion

In the same way, as we highlighted previously throughout the existence of humanity, there are many wars and armed conflicts of various types that have been supported by religion to be carried out. Among them, for example, the Muslim Holy War, the Reconquest in Spain or the Crusades would stand out.

The latter in particular were a set of military-type campaigns that took place between the 11th and 13th centuries and whose objective was for the Christian armies to achieve absolute control of the Holy Land located in Jerusalem. Among those, those who are known today as Templars stand out, without a doubt.


Islam is a monotheistic religion.

Monotheism and polytheism

According to your way of understanding and accepting divinity, there are different types of religions. Monotheists are those that are based on the presence of a single God, creator of all things (such as Christianity , Judaism and Islam ).

Polytheists , on the other hand, maintain that there are different gods, which can be placed in a certain hierarchical order (such as Hinduism or the Egyptian and Roman religions of Antiquity).

We can also talk about pantheistic religions that affirm that the creator and the created objects form the same entity (such as Taoism ) and non-theistic religions that do not believe in divinities of unlimited or universal power (such as Buddhism ).

Revealed Religion vs. mystical religion

Another classification of religions arises according to their revelation . Revealed religions are based on the alleged revelation made by a supernatural entity, which orders what the faithful have to believe in, what rules they must respect and what rituals they have to carry out to pay tribute.

Mystical religions , for their part, can be understood as a philosophy of life and not as a rigid system of precepts and beliefs, while naturist religions do not define a system of beliefs either, but recognize the existence of divinities and spiritual entities in the nature that manifests itself in the physical world.