Definition of



Relative humidity refers to the percentage present in the air compared to the amount it can hold.

Relative is an adjective that comes from the Latin word relativus . The term allows us to mention that which maintains a link with something or someone . For example: "I am not going to comment on anything related to my personal life: I will only talk about my work" , "Regarding the reforms, we will make a decision in the coming days" , "The economist will give a talk to explain everything." regarding the new tax rule» .

Beyond what is associated with relationships or correspondences , there are other uses of the notion. The relative is also what is presented in reduced quantity or strength : "The absence of the defender has a relative relevance, since the coach has several options to replace him" , "The devaluation of the real had a relative impact on the local economy" , «The resignation will have a relative importance in the daily activity of the company» .

The concept applied to humidity

The percentage found in the air is known as relative humidity when compared to the amount it is capable of maintaining. Generally, air contains less water vapor than it needs for saturation. The equation to calculate relative humidity consists of dividing the real vapor density by the saturation density and multiplying the result by 100% , since the unit sought is the "percent."

The normal thing is to measure the vapor density in g/m3 (grams per cubic meter). When the air fails to maintain the total humidity, it goes through a condensation process that results in dew. If we cool the air while keeping the amount of humidity constant, the percentage of relative humidity will increase until it reaches 100%. The temperature at which humidity is able to saturate the air is called the dew point , and if it drops, the aforementioned condensation begins.


Relative sayings are those that can be objected to or brought into discussion.

The relative as that which can be discussed

That which lends itself to discussion or questioning and that which is not absolute can also be described as relative: «Her statements are relative, we should not take them literally» , «Marcela's opinion does not affect me because it is relative: I can refute all your statements, but I'm not interested" , "There is a lot of relative humidity in this environment" .

Our opinions enter the realm of the relative, and that brings certain problems in communication. For example, it is normal to hear that we all have the right to our opinion, but so is the anger of those who cannot stand others talking about their private lives. Likewise, when discussing topics such as religion or politics, certain opinions may be offensive or upsetting to some.

We are used to looking at the world from our perspective, judging everything that surrounds us, and it is common to think that there are no more possibilities than what we perceive with our senses and our reasoning . For example, many people agree that killing is a crime , but that responds to a series of social factors; If these did not exist, or if we were supported by different principles, we could well think otherwise.

The case of pronouns

Relative pronouns , finally, are those that are linked to an antecedent and allow the introduction of an adjective subordinate clause . "That" , "which" , "whose" and "who" are some of the relative pronouns: "The car I bought is red" , "I would like to know who took my keys" , "The girl whose mother is a veterinarian will come tomorrow home."

This type of word is very necessary for the construction of complex sentences in our language, since they allow us to expand the content without falling into repetition. Certain relative pronouns show a clear agreement in gender and number with the nouns to which they refer , as can be seen in the following cases: «The woman to whom you gave the letter is an imposter» , «These topics, about which we have talked about previously, will be part of the final exam .