Definition of



The idea of ​​relationships can refer to sexual or sentimental ties.

Originating from the Latin term relatĭo , the concept of relationship has multiple uses. It is, for example, the presentation of a fact. In the sense of a story , a relationship is, in literature , the narration of the events of a trip. For musical folklore, in countries such as Argentina and Uruguay , a relationship is a type of dialogue in verse between a man and a woman .

In the same way we also find what is known as public relations . This term is used to refer to a professional activity carried out by a person consisting of, through communication techniques and tools, making known and giving prestige to various companies or businesses.

The relationship as a bond

On the other hand, a relationship is a correspondence or connection between something or someone with another thing or another person. In this way, the notion of relationship is used in various sciences to explain all types of phenomena.

In colloquial language, relationships especially refer to the emotional or sexual bond that people maintain. There are friendship relationships, work relationships and family relationships, among many others.

The concept in sexuality

Talking about relationships is, many times, talking about sexual relations . For example: “Armando told me that he had relations with Claudia.” Sexual relationship is the set of more or less complex behaviors carried out by two or more beings of different or equal sex, and which usually end in intercourse.

In this sense, relationships can be heterosexual, homosexual, ménage à trois (threesome) or group, for example. There are other classifications, such as premarital relationships, extramarital relationships or marital relationships.


If a person has influential contacts, they can be said to have relationships.

Premarital and extramarital relationships

The aforementioned premarital relationships are those established between the two members of a couple who are going to get married. Specifically, it is about the sexual practices they carry out before becoming husbands. However, it is also considered that the aforementioned premarital relationships can refer to the intimate relationships that each of them maintains with other people before passing through the altar.

Many religions, such as the Catholic religion, are totally against premarital relations. What's more, he calls them a sin and that is why he prohibits them.

For their part, the so-called extramarital relationships, as their name indicates, are those that occur outside of marriage. This means that the husband or wife engages in sexual practices with other people, which can be classified as infidelity. However, it may happen that these are relationships consented to by the husband or wife as long as they are considered an “open marriage.”

The term on TV and as an influence

In addition to all of the above, we have to emphasize that there is a television series called “Relationships.” This production is a documentary type that appeared on the small screen at the end of the 1970s and whose clear objective is to review the evolution of science.

Finally, it should be noted that the idea of ​​relationship refers to influential friends or acquaintances : “He became president of the company thanks to his relationships” (that is, success is justified by ties).