Definition of

Dependency relationship


It is not healthy for a couple to have a dependency relationship.

A relationship is a correspondence or link between two or more elements . Dependency , on the other hand, is what happens when something is subordinate to something else (and, therefore, depends on it).

A dependency relationship , therefore, is a link in which one of the elements depends on the other . The concept can be used in different contexts, always respecting this idea.

Dependency relationship in a couple

On an emotional and sentimental level we can also say that dependency relationships exist. Specifically, the following situations occur that allow them to be identified clearly and conclusively:

-One of the two parties or even both come to feel that they are "hooked" to their partner.

-It is established that when someone has a relationship of this type, they manifest a clear low self-esteem and the image they have of themselves, their happiness, their mood or their worth is based on the opinions that their partner has of them or expresses to them punctually. .

-The person spends most of the time trying to do not what they like or what makes them happy but what they consider will be liked by their boy or girl.

-Another of the hallmarks of people who are fully involved in a dependency relationship is that they come to believe that they are not capable of living, doing or being in life if they are not with their partner.

Broadly speaking, these are the main characteristics that define people who find themselves immersed in a dependency relationship that causes them to present these other qualities:

-They see how emotions that are absolutely negative flourish, such as distrust, fear and low self-esteem.

-They come to feel suffocated when their partners cannot be by their side or when they ask them to give them a little space to do things independently.

Work link

A dependency relationship at the employment level means that the worker carries out a stable activity for the employer in exchange for a salary.

A type of employment relationship

In the world of work, a dependency relationship is established when a worker carries out an activity whose benefits remain in the hands of an employer or contractor. This, in exchange for the product of his work , gives a salary or other type of payment to the worker.

In this type of dependency relationship, the person's subsistence depends on the remuneration granted by another person or an entity. To provide greater security to the worker and prevent the contractor from abusing his position of power, there are laws that provide protection to the person who sells his work: a minimum wage , compensation in case of dismissal , etc.

In the case of the self-employed, self-employed or freelance worker , the situation is different since the person is not subordinate to another, but is free to choose who they sell the fruit of their work to and under what conditions. In this way, there is no dependency relationship between the self-employed worker and his client (who buys his work).

Dependency relationship between countries

It is said that a country maintains a relationship of dependency with another when its income or wealth depends on it.

If a nation