Definition of



Reiki is based on the so-called universal vital energy.

Reiki is a pseudo-scientific discipline , a technique or a modality of alternative medicine that seeks to heal the patient through the laying on of hands , depending on who defines the concept. It is based on the channeling of what its practitioners call universal vital energy to achieve balance.

It is important to note that clinical studies have not been able to demonstrate specific effects of Reiki, although it may have positive consequences due to the placebo effect. This means that Reiki can serve as a complementary therapy in the midst of medical treatment, but not that it can act as a replacement.

Reiki and harmonization

The intention of Reiki is the natural harmonization of the human being , both physically, mentally and spiritually. Reiki, by considering the person as a whole that transcends the body, seeks to harmonize each subject as a whole.

By not using elements foreign to the body or chemical substances, Reiki does not have any side effects nor does it create physical dependence. However, traditional doctors fear that some people will turn to these techniques and leave aside the care that a hospital can provide.

There are those who take reiki sessions as a preventive method to take care of their health . This means that it is not necessary to be sick to use Reiki, but this technique can be beneficial in daily life due to its ability to provide well-being to those who believe in its precepts.

It is important to keep in mind that Reiki is not a religion or a sect. Many associate it, however, with superstition since its concepts have no scientific basis or dogmatic justification.


Reiki aims at the integral well-being of the individual.

Your benefits

The goal of Reiki is to relieve physical pain, but also to restore people's natural balance so they can achieve happiness and well-being . Below are some advantages and curiosities of this alternative therapy:

  • Since it considers each individual as a whole made up of a body, a mind, a spirit and their emotions, it helps to achieve balance and reduce the stress of today's life.
  • It produces great relaxation and restores stability, which results in an increase in energy and harmony. Those who have tried it assure that the sensations experienced during and after each session are of incomparable peace and renewal.
  • Promotes the body's ability to heal itself, both physically and emotionally. Let us not forget that modern medicine has made us dependent on the care of others to maintain a good state of health, but this did not happen with our ancestors nor does it happen with the rest of the species of living beings.
  • It helps to improve the physiological performance and functioning of our organs and specialists assure that the benefits of reiki generate an impact at the cellular level.
  • It is ideal for people who suffer from concentration problems, as it helps free the mind from noise and destructive thoughts, which results in greater availability of one's faculties.
  • Considering the points made so far, it is not strange to say that Reiki improves self-esteem.
  • Many people rely on this therapy to prepare mentally and emotionally to face surgery and to overcome the postoperative period.
  • It produces very good results when it complements treatments against depression, migraine, constipation and menstrual pain.
  • Patients with anorexia and bulimia, two serious eating disorders, also find benefits in combining their treatments with reiki sessions.
  • Reiki can also help heal other animal species and plants.