Definition of



Rule can be associated with decreeing or governing.

Regir is a verb that has its etymological origin in the Latin word regĕre , which can be translated as "doing the work of a king". The term refers to the action of governing, administering, disposing, managing or decreeing .

For example: "The elected president will be in charge of governing the country's destinies for the next four years" , "The law recently approved by legislators will begin to take effect once it is published in the Official Gazette" , "The authorities reported that it has already The winter schedule began to govern on public transport .

What is ruling?

It is common for rule to be used with reference to the exercise of power by a ruler or authority. In fact, the individual who governs is often called regidor , a concept that can be used synonymously with mayor , mayor , or councilor .

Whoever governs an organization makes the most important decisions regarding its operation, structure, etc. The owner of a company, to name one possibility, governs its existence through the hiring and firing of employees, investments, the design of corporate strategies and other provisions.

give orders

In a company, governing means being in charge of making decisions.

Issues to consider

When it comes time for any person to conveniently govern an organization, government or institution that has been determined, it is established that a decalogue must be followed that is based on the following maxims:

-When you have to carry out reforms, you must think about the common good and not that of a few.

-When you want to carry out new projects and plans, you must prepare them properly, making them known to all the parties involved.

-Your objective has to be to facilitate and improve people's lives.

-You must make appropriate use of the resources you have and not waste them without rhyme or reason.

-At all times, as a councilor you must be upright and professional, but you must also show empathy with the needs and problems of others.

-Under no circumstances should you use your position to enrich yourself on a personal level and to benefit the people in your family or closest circle.

-Must be tolerant and respectful of others.

-You have to listen to those who ask for your help.

-When a problem arises, you must solve it in the best possible way, using the necessary resources and avoiding collateral damage.

Within the field of television, cinema and entertainment there is also the figure of the councilor. However, in this case its function is none other than to make the pertinent instructions so that the show follows the established project and can be undertaken in the most beneficial way possible for the public.

Rule as start-up

The idea of ​​governing can also refer to the validity or implementation of something . A regulation begins to govern when it is sanctioned and its precepts begin to be valid (that is, when they are already applied).

The directors of a football club can announce in March that, starting April 1 , only members who pay an additional amount to the fee will be able to attend the stadium. In this way, despite the announcement made in March, the new rule will only come into force the following month.