Definition of


Military dictatorship

When the armed forces take power, a military regime is established.

The word regime comes from the Latin word regĭmen and refers to the political and social system that governs a certain territory . By extension, the term refers to the set of rules that govern an activity or thing.

The regime is the historical formation of an era . The political regime is linked to the organizational structure of political power, with its institutions, its norms and its leaders. Within a regime, certain behaviors are repeated that make the regular exercise of power predictable.

Types of regime

Citizens can be considered to be in a situation of domination or subordination to the political regime, even when the rulers have been democratically elected. Upon coming to power, the leader acquires the capacity to command, which implies that the rest must obey. Of course, in this relationship there are limits established by law.

Depending on the characteristics of the exercise of power, one can speak of a democratic regime (when the authorities gain access to power and exercise it with respect to democratic norms), a totalitarian regime (the State exercises power without restrictions or controls), a parliamentary regime (Parliament determines the exercise of power), etc.

The case of Francoism

There have been many regimes throughout history that have led people to be subjected to the terrifying and intolerant political impositions of certain dictators. Thus, for example, one of the most significant cases is that of Spain, which from 1939, the end of the Civil War, until 1975, was subjected to the Franco regime.

General Francisco Franco Bahamonde was the one who became the leader of the country and this meant that this land was under a yoke of marked political, social and economic repression. Among the most serious consequences of this regime was the shooting and imprisonment of many Spaniards simply for having political ideas that were totally opposed to those imposed by the dictator.


A diet is given by a person's usual diet.

Regime as a historical stage

However, we must not forget that world history is marked by two stages that used the term regime to define themselves:

• Ancien Régime. The form of state, marked by an absolute monarchy, which existed prior to the French Revolution, which took place in 1789, is the one that was called by that term. Specifically, it was used by all revolutionaries to refer to that stage prior to their establishment in search of freedom and equality.

• New Regime. In contrast to the previous case, this concept was and is used to define that form of state in which the liberal state becomes the absolute axis and protagonist. This means that it can be both a republic and a parliamentary monarchy .

The diet

Diet , on the other hand, is the usual diet or way of eating of a person. This diet must guarantee the nutrition of the subject and promote a healthy physical form.

The characteristics of the diet depend on the needs of the individual: some people need to lose weight and will therefore eat certain amounts and types of food, while others need to increase their defenses and will eat differently.