Definition of



The regency is a temporary government within the framework of a monarchy.

Regency is a concept that is linked to the verb to govern ( to direct , to administer). The notion is usually used to name the temporary government that a person assumes when the legitimate monarch is absent or is unable to perform his or her duties for some reason.

The individual who rules on behalf of the incumbent is known as a regent . Once the legitimate monarch is able to resume his duties, the regent ceases to perform his duties and the regency comes to an end.

Etymology of regency

The etymological origin of the term is found in the Latin regentia , translatable as “quality of the one who rules.” It is made up of three different parts:

  • The verb regere , which is synonymous with to rule .”
  • The particle -nt- , which is used to indicate the agent.
  • The suffix -ia , which can be translated as “quality” .

When the legitimate monarch is temporarily unable to perform his duties, the regency is put in place.

A mechanism of monarchy

The regency is a mechanism typical of the monarchy . In democratic regimes, there is another government structure that contemplates how to replace the president . Generally there is a hierarchical scale that indicates who assumes power temporarily and under what conditions, according to what is established by the Constitution .

In monarchies , on the other hand, the king is replaced by someone close to him, such as his son, father or mother. The regency, therefore, is usually exercised by a direct relative of the monarch. An example of regency took place in France in the 17th century , when Louis XIV 's mother, Anne of Austria , assumed power.

The regency in Spain

In the case of the history of Spain we find a large number of regencies that brought with them the most disparate consequences. For this reason, in the 1978 Constitution , an article was established ( 59 ), which specifies exactly the only two situations in which the figure of the regent may exist:

  • When the holder of the Crown is a minor, the figure of regent will be established until he or she turns 18 years old. The person in charge of occupying that role will be your father or mother or the oldest relative who is closest to the throne in the line of succession.
  • When the holder of the Crown is in a situation in which he is absolutely unable to perform his duties. In the case, the exercise of the regency will be carried out by his heir to the throne if he is older and if he is younger, he will choose to follow what is indicated in the first case cited.

Not to mention that the aforementioned Magna Carta indicates that the person who acts as regent must have Spanish nationality and be of legal age.

Other uses of the term

Regency is also the name of a style of art that developed in France in the 18th century and of an architectural movement that flourished in England during the early years of the 19th century .

In the field of astrology , finally, the close link that exists between a star and a zodiacal sign and that determines the characteristics of the astrological chart is called regency.