Definition of



Educational reinforcement aims to assist students who need additional help to overcome obstacles in their training.

Reinforcement is the action and consequence of reinforcing (fortifying, invigorating, compensating or correcting something). It can be something that is used to provide resistance or solidity to something.

For example: “This bed has two reinforcing legs so that it can support more weight without problems,” “I bought a wool jacket that has leather reinforcement on the elbows,” “We are going to include a steel reinforcement in the device now.” that the tests have not satisfied us.”

It is known as reinforcement, on the other hand, as a favor , complement or aid : “The doctor prescribed me a nutritional reinforcement so that I gain weight” , “Before the exam, I am going to take some reinforcement classes to consolidate my knowledge” , “ We have already had several meetings between all employees, although tomorrow the manager will give a reinforcement talk so that there are no doubts about how the campaign will be implemented."

Educational reinforcement

Within the education sector, we have to explain that there is what is called educational reinforcement . We can establish that it is a measure that is carried out in favor of diversity, the needs or difficulties that some students present, and that it is carried out in an ordinary way. Basically, educational reinforcement aims to enable the student to overcome the obstacles they have to improve their knowledge and skills with a specific subject.

In addition, it is worth highlighting these other interesting data regarding educational reinforcement:

  • It is usually taught by the teacher of the class attended by the minor or minors. However, it can also be carried out by another trained teacher.
  • The reinforcement classes will deal with the same content that is taught to the rest of the classmates who do not attend these and who share the classroom on a daily basis. That is, they are those that occur at the general level.
  • It must be stated that this type of reinforcement is developed in a timely manner.
  • In schools it is necessary to have reinforcement plans in order to help students carry out their training. Plans that must include, among many other things, from the criteria that will be used to select the contents that will be the objective of that reinforcement to the participation of the entire school community, including the requirements that students must meet at the time to be evaluated favorably.

The term in psychology

In the field of psychology , a reinforcement is a positive or negative stimulus that increases the chance that a certain behavior will be performed again or rejected in the future.

When a child is rewarded with chocolate for getting a good grade at school, to mention one case, the candy serves as reinforcement.


In the field of sports, a reinforcement is a player who joins a team to improve it.

Reinforcement as an addition to a team

A reinforcement, finally, can be an individual who joins a team to contribute with their work to the overall functioning .

“Real Madrid plans to hire a reinforcement when the transfer market opens”, “The hospital needs reinforcements to meet the growing demand”y “The company will add reinforcements to face the summer season” son expresiones que muestran este uso.