Definition of



Endorsement means authorizing something.

Endorsement is a verb that refers to the action of approving, confirming or authorizing something . It generally refers to the approval of a document by an individual authorized to do so.

For example: “The Federation of Tennis Players must now endorse the agreement reached by the athletes during the informal meetings that took place at the end of the Madrid tournament,” “The senator assured that the Government is not going to endorse the program prepared by the group of economists” , “The deadline to endorse street sales authorizations will end next Friday” .

The verb endorse also refers to performing an action again and, by extension, ratifying something. In this sense, it is common for the notion to be used to mention what something or someone does or should do to confirm what it insinuated or suggested.

Examples of endorse

Let's take a sports case. A soccer team that had lost three consecutive games, recovers in the fourth game with a victory. According to journalists, he will now have to confirm his recovery with another positive result in the fifth match. If the team wins again, it will have confirmed its good moment.

A singer, for his part, can endorse the good impression made by his first live performance in a country with similar performances in his subsequent concerts. The artist in question will have to show his quality and charisma again to, finally, demonstrate to the public that the great show he offered the first time was not a coincidence.

There are numerous examples of artists who shine in their first performances but then go through a decline that ultimately destroys their careers before they have time to mature and develop properly. Although one of the reasons why something like this happens is an unhealthy lifestyle, generally due to addictions of various types, there can also be a creative block that prevents the individual from improving themselves after great success .


When you endorse something, you approve or confirm it.

The concept in constitutional law

In the field of constitutional law , the technique used to remove functions from the sovereign and attribute them to the endorser who has the competence is known as endorsement ; In other words, it is the path that democratic regimes have followed in history to ensure that the king has less power and reach a parliamentary monarchy from a constitutional one.

Since the figure of the king should not be subject to political controls, he could not create action plans that directly represented the will of the people and, therefore, has no democratic legitimacy. That is why the king cannot make political decisions but rather finalize or perfect procedures and comply with the will of the powers of the State that do enjoy democratic legitimacy. The law says that he has no responsibility, since it is not possible to demand it from him if he is not allowed to make decisions.

In this way, according to the law , the responsibility for the king's acts is those who endorse them, the so-called endorsers . Generally, the people who assume the power and political responsibility that the endorsement mechanism takes away from the head of state are the head of government or a minister, but it can also be the president of the legislative assembly.

Endorsement how to certify

The ministerial endorsement is the signature that at least one minister puts on a document, together with that of the head of state to authenticate it.

In this sense, endorse is understood as synonymous with certify . It is worth mentioning that the endorsement is interpreted differently in the parliamentary regime, since it is defined as the awarding to the ministerial cabinet of political responsibility for acts of which the head of state is simply the nominal author.