Definition of

Political reform


A political reform can be achieved through various mechanisms.

A political reform is a change in the organizational structure of a country or a region. Let us remember that politics is associated with the exercise of power and decision-making in pursuit of certain objectives.

The process of reform and its result, meanwhile, are called reform . The verb reform , for its part, is linked to forming something again or modifying it.

Characteristics of a political reform

What a political reform does is alter the characteristics of a certain regime or organization. It is not a revolution : that is, the current order is not replaced by a different one. The purpose of political reform is to correct or perfect certain mechanisms in the governmental sphere or public administration.

All the innovations of political reform occur within the framework of the already established social system and without contradicting what is established by the institutions. The groups that hold power usually accept political reform to prevent social pressure from leading to a revolution or a violent revolt that causes them to lose their privileged position .

In other words, there are sectors that prefer to accept or promote political reform and give up some power than to strictly defend their position and risk losing everything due to a violent and unpredictable process.


A political reform project can cause rejection and confrontations.

Issues to consider

When it comes to carrying out political reform, each country establishes a series of guidelines and principles regarding majorities and processes that must be met. However, it is vital that in any of the actions of this type that you wish to undertake, several elements are taken into account:

  • The first thing is for the parties that shape the government to debate it and establish that it is the right time to carry it out.
  • In the same way, it is vital to be clear about the support that will be needed and the approval system that is required.
  • Likewise, a defined, clear and exhaustive project must be established that outlines the reform that is going to be carried out, which law it will affect, what objectives are intended to be achieved by carrying it out and why it is necessary to proceed with it.

The measures developed within the framework of a political reform respect the essence of the institutions and do not cause a breakdown of the established order. It should be noted, however, that its effects can be important and generate a relevant change in political life.

The Law for the Political Reform of Spain

In Spain , for example, in 1976 , after a pertinent referendum , the Law for Political Reform was approved ( Law 1/1977 , of January 4 ). This regulation, which achieved just over 94% of the votes in favor, was the last of the fundamental laws of the Franco regime .

If it has stood out especially in history, it is because it was what allowed the first steps to be taken towards the Transition , the period that managed to leave behind a dictatorship and begin a democratic stage.