Definition of



Reflection is a mental activity that allows for the detailed analysis of something.

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) mentions several meanings of the word reflection , which comes from the Latin term reflexĭo . The first is associated with the verb to reflect , which consists of analyzing something carefully.

For example: "I have not yet read the president's reflection on the Iranian attack" , "It would be important for people to engage in reflection before making hasty decisions that always lead to chaos" , "Without reflection, there can never be forgiveness" .

Reflection as a mental activity that can be expressed materially

For philosophy , reflection is an activity that is carried out to take into consideration something , meditating and thinking about it.

Reflection, therefore, can be such an activity of thought, but also its material expression . A letter or a newspaper article, in this sense, can be reflections.

The concept linked to sound

In the field of sound, reflection is also discussed. In this specific case, this concept is synonymous with the process by which a wave can be reflected or absorbed. These actions will be carried out when it encounters an obstacle that it is impossible to pass through or go around.

In this field, reflection is closely related to a series of elements that give this action form and meaning. Thus, we can specifically state that among these elements, the echo, the so-called stationary waves and the well-known phenomenon of reverberation stand out.

It should be added that in the field of sound, the aforementioned reflection is widely used in the development of musical events because thanks to it, it is possible not only to isolate the sound but also to correctly direct it towards the people who attend them.


In physics, reflection is a phenomenon linked to the reflection of light.

Reflection of light

In physics , on the other hand, reflection is a phenomenon that occurs when light that hits a certain material is reflected. This means that reflection implies a modification in the direction of said light, since it returns to its medium.

Not only light can be reflected: water waves and sound waves are also capable of producing this physical phenomenon.

The notion in computer science

In the same way we can also establish that reflection is a term used in the field of computing to refer to the capacity that a specific programming language has that allows it not only to observe but also to carry out the modification of what is its high-level structure.

These languages ​​include both C# and Python. These languages ​​can find and modify the various existing source code constructs. Specifically, these include protocols, code blocks, and methods.

Reflection in geometry

For geometry , finally, reflection consists of copying each of the points that form a figure to move them to another position, which maintains equidistance with a straight line that functions as a symmetrical axis.

At the end of the process, the result is an image that is identical to the first one (from which its points have been copied and transferred).