Definition of



A restructuring involves the introduction of changes to a structure.

A structure is a whole made up of various parts . When these parts proceed to organize themselves differently, or some are added or eliminated, we can speak of a restructuring .

This concept, therefore, refers to the modification or alteration of a structure . The term can be applied in the most diverse areas, since the idea of ​​structure is very broad. For example: “The government announced a restructuring of the Ministry of Economy” , “We are going to have to restructure the company to reduce costs” , “With the hiring of Pablo Laficce, the radio station completed its restructuring and is committed to reaching a younger audience.”

Examples of restructuring

It could be said that everything that is considered a structure is susceptible to restructuring. In this sense, a football team can be restructured when the leaders fire the coach and hire another, in addition to terminating the contract of four players and adding two reinforcements. As can be seen, in this case, some parts (the old coach and the four fired players) leave the whole (the team) and others enter (the new coach and the two reinforcements).

In a company , on the other hand, restructuring can include changes in the budget, production or workforce. The owner of a company that intends to carry out a restructuring, therefore, may decide to stop manufacturing a certain product, increase investment in the area of ​​human resources, hire a new manager, launch another brand and modify the motto or slogan of the company. the signature.


Restructuring can be carried out in multiple areas.

Technique applied to cognition

Cognitive restructuring is called a set of techniques that are part of cognitive-behavioral therapies (which focus on linking behavior and thinking, in turn applying concepts and foundations of behavioral and cognitive psychology) and whose objective is the modification of the way in which the environment is interpreted and valued.

To achieve this change, various actions are carried out that are part of a general strategy, such as the introduction of new cognitive habits in the patient's life and the Socratic dialogue , which consists of showing a person that their ideas are not correct. or adequate by getting her to accept for herself the arguments that support her mistake.

It is common for human beings to misinterpret certain situations or even the people around us and for these thoughts to become an unquestionable part of our knowledge; This can lead us to experience a large number of disorders, since we end up believing that our reality is negative and harmful to us. Cognitive restructuring serves to determine these errors, analyze them and modify them.

Cognitive restructuring activities

Some of the activities that are part of cognitive restructuring are the following:

* get the patient to modify certain irrational statements that arise as a consequence of other, rational ones (both are called self-affirmations , since they are directed towards the same person who produces them and usually have them as the protagonist);

* help you determine the emotion that is causing you pain , which may be anxiety, anger or deep disappointment, among others;

* point out automatic thoughts, which are characterized by containing negative ideas and arising spontaneously when faced with certain stimuli;

* make statements that serve to describe alternative paths to face the situation or situations that until now seem impossible to go through.

Cognitive restructuring, whose main goal is to make the affected person see the world around them more realistically, has its origins in 1958 , by the cognitive psychotherapist Albert Ellis . Since then it has been widely developed and its evolution continues today.