Definition of



A reduction implies reducing or narrowing something.

The etymological origin of the term reduction is found in Latin. Specifically, in this language we find the word from which it emanates: reductio . This is made up of three clearly delimited parts:

• The prefix re , which indicates “backwards”.

• The verb ducere , which can be translated as “drive.”

• The suffix -cion , which is equivalent to “action and effect.”

Reduction concept

The action and effect of reducing or reducing is called reduction . The verb reduce , for its part, refers to returning something to the state it had previously or to narrowing, girding, diminishing or slowing something down.

For example: “The candidate announced that, if elected, he will promote a reduction in taxes” , “Achieving a reduction in the level of waste is essential to improve the biodiversity situation” , “With the reduction of the width of the avenue "There will be new traffic problems."


A discount means a price reduction.

From the physical to the symbolic

The reduction may be linked to a physical narrowing or a symbolic decrease . If we talk about the reduction of forest area worldwide, it is a phenomenon with physical support (there are fewer trees than in past times). On the other hand, the reduction of corruption is something more abstract, even though it is based on factual facts (fewer officials prosecuted, fewer complaints, etc.).

On the other hand, in the field of mathematics we talk about the reduction method , which is used to be able to solve what are systems that have two equations and that also have what are two unknowns.

stomach reduction

Within the medical field, the term reduction is also used. In its case, it is used to name an intervention that has gained special prominence in recent years. We are referring to stomach reduction , which can be carried out through what has become known as primary endoluminal obesity surgery.

Reducing a person's level of obesity is what is achieved by implementing this treatment, which has a notable series of advantages, compared to other proposals that also exist in this regard. Specifically, those who undergo it will suffer less pain, the possibility that infections of any type may appear will be reduced to a minimum, the patients will recover much more quickly and it must also be clear that no external damage will be left. type of scar.

Other uses of the term

In the field of gastronomy , reduction is a procedure that allows a liquid substance to be thickened or concentrated through boiling or evaporation . Reduction allows a broth or sauce to have a more concentrated flavor, since the volume of the liquid is reduced: “We are going to cook the chicken in a reduction of white wine and spices,” “Reducing the consommé will take us about five minutes.” ” .

A reduction of Indians , finally, was a population center in which indigenous people were resettled in American territory during the Spanish conquest.