Definition of

Support network


A support network provides comprehensive support.

The concept of network has various meanings. From its broader meaning (a network is a structure that has a pattern that characterizes it and that enables the interrelation of its nodes), different notions can be derived that lead to different types of networks. Support , on the other hand, comes from supporting: supporting something, helping to maintain it, supporting it.

A support network , therefore, is a structure that provides some type of support to something or someone . The idea usually refers to a set of organizations or entities that work synchronously to collaborate with some cause.

What is a support network

Since there is a support network, anyone who needs help receives comprehensive support . In other words: the problem in question is attacked from various sectors, something that allows the treatment to be perfected.

In the same way, we must highlight the existence of the Support Network for Justice and Peace, which is a non-governmental organization in Venezuela that began its journey in 1987 and which establishes that its objective is to promote and defend rights such as such as that of life, that of liberty, that of personal security or that of the inviolability of the home, among others.


There are different types of support networks.

Some examples

An example of a support network is the structure made up of several organizations and professionals that cooperate to assist women who are released from a trafficking network . These women, upon regaining their freedom, face a series of problems that make their reintegration into society difficult. A support network may include psychologists and doctors who are responsible for physical and psychological treatment; consultants who collaborate so that women can find employment; an organization that provides temporary housing; lawyers who legally assist the victim, etc.

A productive project promoted by a cooperative , on the other hand, can appeal to a support network made up of non-governmental organizations and government offices that contribute to the management of the venture.

There is also the Entrepreneur Support Network which, as its name indicates, aims to help anyone who wants to start a business. Specifically, it is based in Mexico and advises and supports the aforementioned citizen in countless aspects.

Social support network

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the existence of what have been called social support networks. This is the term used to refer to the entire group of people that another has within their family, their group of friends or their professional field, among others, and who knows that they can help them, be it of the type whatever, whenever you need it.

These unique support networks are considered to be essential in the daily life of any citizen, since they contribute to an optimal quality of life. This is because they serve to protect him, to increase his self-esteem by feeling loved and respected, so that he does not have emotional deficiencies of any kind, so that he can be cared for and attended to in cases where necessary...