Definition of


winding road

The twists and turns of a road are called "recesses."

A nook is a twist and turn of a street , a river, etc. This is just one of the meanings that this notion has, according to what is indicated by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary.

Return and revolt

It is understood as a return to a curvature or a deviation from a straight line. A revolt , in turn, is the repetition of a return or a second return. Note that these meanings are specific to this framework, since both terms have other meanings: turn can be "return" and revolt, an adjective that indicates "disorderly."

Returning to the idea of ​​a turn, it is about the accumulation of these types of deviations and turns . For example: “To get to the refuge we had to follow a path full of twists and turns, so we couldn't move very quickly” , “The twists and turns of the stream can be seen clearly from the viewpoint” , “It is a circuit with many twists and turns that requires great skill to the runners.”

In the first sentence, the sender assures that their progress along the road was especially slow because of the twists and turns that characterize it, which forced them to slow down very frequently to navigate the curves without risking an accident. The second talks about the obvious twists and turns of a stream. The third describes a racing circuit that stands out for its twists and turns, so that only a great runner can successfully overcome it.

Corner or hidden place

A nook is also a corner or a hidden or hidden place , as can be seen in the following three example sentences: “Every time I scold him, my dog ​​goes to some nook in the house,” “I dropped my ring.” and I can't find it; "I'm sure it rolled into a nook," "Dust always collects in the nooks of this piece of furniture, but I am very fond of it because I inherited it from my grandmother."

Nooks can be unknown places in our homes or cities, small or not so small spaces that, for different reasons, we have not seen yet, or that we do know and treasure as points of disconnection with the outside world in moments of stress or sadness, among many other possibilities. In the first example sentence, we talk about a dog who takes advantage of these gaps as hiding places when he is scolded for misbehaving; These are strategic points for him, where he knows he will be safe from reprimands.

The second example, however, uses this concept in a different sense, of a point on the house that is difficult to see , or unknown to the issuer. He doesn't talk about one in particular, because he doesn't know exactly where his ring is; He's just sure it won't be easy to find. Finally, the recesses of a piece of furniture are all the corners and crevices that are most difficult to clean, either because of their narrowness or because of the obstacles that stand between them and the tools.

Naturally illuminated attic

A nook can be an inconspicuous corner or corner of a house.


Recoveco is also a trick that a person uses to achieve a certain objective . It may be a ruse , a ruse , or a deception . Of course, it is not a clean or fair tactic, but rather it pursues one's own benefit regardless of the price.

Let's see this new meaning in context, through the following examples: "The lawyer resorted to a loophole to ensure that his client was not imprisoned, at least for the moment," " I always try to look for loopholes to convince clients about the convenience of continuing to buy our products” , “I want you to tell me how you managed to obtain permission without complications” .