Definition of



Rejection means not accepting or tolerating a thing or someone.

Rejection is the process and consequence of rejecting (resisting, denying or refuting). By expressing or specifying rejection of something, the person makes it clear that they do not accept or tolerate it .

For example: “The public's rejection of the midfielder was evident throughout the game,” “One of these days I'm going to invite you to dinner and I'm warning you: I won't accept a rejection.” “Analysts believe that the rejection of the candidacy on the part of the mayor it was predictable.”

Rejection in sport

In some sports , the idea of ​​rejection is used to name what a player does who, in a defensive position, moves the ball away from his goal or goal . Take the case of soccer: if a player manages to head a cross that falls on the area he is defending, removing the danger, he will have made a rebound.

However, within this area it is also used to refer to the feeling that some fans have towards players or coaches. Specifically, for example, it is considered that there is a significant rejection by citizens towards the figure of the Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo . The reason? That I don't like his level of egocentrism, his cockiness on some occasions and even his absolute lack of humility when he comes to claim that he is the best player in the world.


When something is not admitted or approved, it is rejected.

The term in medicine

If we focus on medicine , we speak of rejection when a body that receives a transplant does not accept the tissue or organ that arrives from another person.

This situation can be due to various reasons: what happens is that the organism, considering that what was transplanted to it is a foreign element, does not assimilate it or put it into operation.

Social rejection

Social rejection , for its part, is associated with discrimination. The rejected person is isolated or excluded from a certain environment due to some type of characteristic (his or her religion , sexual orientation, nationality, race, social status, etc.).

Rejection can also be individual in certain contexts: a man may suffer rejection from a woman he invites out, since she is not attracted to him and prefers not to share the proposed activity.

Precisely on a romantic level, there are many people who experience this rejection, either because the man or woman they were interested in first tells them that they have no intention of having any type of relationship or because their partners decide to break up. Whatever the case, those who suffer this rejection suffer a severe blow, which requires time to overcome.

How to overcome disappointment

Specifically, to get out of that rut and recover a life without pain, it is common for psychology experts to give those affected advice such as these:

-The first thing is to be clear that the suffering you feel is absolutely normal.

-It is also necessary to proceed to show and express what you feel: writing it, telling it to a loved one, crying...

-At no time should you resort to violence, neither on yourself nor on the person who has carried out the rejection.

-Meet with friends and loved ones, so you can get out of the loop of pain you are in.