Definition of



A rebellion occurs when a group of people rebel.

From the Latin rebellĭo , rebellion is the action and effect of rebelling . This verb, for its part, is associated with resisting , revolting or failing to comply with due obedience.

For example: “The rebellion in the Middle East has generated million-dollar losses in the tourism sector,” “A young eighteen-year-old peasant is identified as the leader of the rebellion,” “The president assured that he will use all the military power under his command to put an end to with rebellion."

What is a rebellion

Rebellion, therefore, is a rejection of authority that can range from civil disobedience to armed resistance. The term is used as a synonym for sedition , mutiny , uprising or revolt , although each has its own particularities.

In general, it can be said that a revolt is a disturbance or disturbance, while rebellion constitutes a crime against public order. Sedition, for its part, is a collective uprising against authority or military discipline, but with less severity than rebellion.

Those who are part of a rebellion are known as rebels . A person who refuses to pay taxes because he believes that the government is wasting funds, a group of workers who decide to take over a factory, an army that does not obey the orders of superiors, and citizens who take to the streets to demand resignation. of a president can be considered as protagonists of a rebellion.


Ernesto "Che" Guevara is often considered a symbol of rebellion.

Main features

It is important to note that rebellion is a necessary and healthy reaction to oppression , tradition and authority, thanks to it the world remains in balance. If all individuals acted in blind obedience to the authorities in power, there would be absolute power concentrated in a few and a lack of freedom in the rest. If we are not rebellious, we cannot be creative or seek alternatives that are outside of what the world considers normal or reasonable.

But it is necessary to clarify that excessive rebellion can be as harmful as absolute obedience because if we did not impose a series of rules on ourselves and everyone did what they wanted, life in society would be absolute chaos.

Rebellion needs a subversive attitude , people willing to change things and try new ways. Experimentation , therefore, is a fundamental ingredient in the lives of these people. Through the search for alternative paths, without taking into account the limits that your social group has tried to impose on you.

Rebellion also requires a challenge to authority in the search for a rupture through which the imposition of a new method or greater freedom is possible. In a country, a rebellion can mean the breakdown of a political process; the rupture of democracy through a guerrilla to impose another type of government.

Historical rebellions

Throughout history there have been many rebellions that were extremely important and, it is necessary to mention, thanks to them the world has continued to grow. Among them we can mention the French Revolution , the Cuban Revolution and the Aboriginal Rebellions in South America.

All of them modified life in the world up to that moment in some way, bringing changes (some better than others), for all this it is necessary to say that we need them to improve and mature , as much as the rebellion that we experienced during adolescence to rebel against our guardians.

It should be noted, on the other hand, that there is a famous book that has this concept in its title. “Animal Farm” is a novel written by George Orwell that was published in 1945 and is considered a criticism of Stalinism .