Reassignment is a term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), like the verb reassign . On the other hand, the term assign does appear, which refers to granting what concerns or belongs to something or someone .
It is easy to understand, therefore, that reassignment refers to assigning something again . For example: “We are going to allocate resources in a different way to gain efficiency,” “The authorities announced that they are working on the reallocation of radio space with the aim of reducing interference,” “The reallocation of homes will take place next week.” ” .
Sex reassignment
The concept of sex reassignment refers to a surgical intervention that allows the biological genitality of a human being to be modified to convert it into a genitality according to the gender with which the subject feels identified. This means that the gender assigned by nature is reassigned through a medical procedure.
Suppose that a person born with the male gender always felt like a woman . After consulting psychologists and other specialists, she makes the decision to undergo sex reassignment. In this way, when the process is finished, he will have genitals typical of a woman, losing what biology had assigned him.
About surgery
Sex reassignment surgery is the exact name of this intervention that is usually performed on people in cases of intersexuality, which is when a discrepancy between sex and genitals occurs, and also on transsexuals who want to complete what is their change of sex. sex in a definitive way.
It is also known as genital reassignment surgery and in order to be carried out a series of aspects such as these must be taken into account:
- There are doctors who refuse to perform it on patients who have hepatitis C or HIV.
- It is important to know that some patients who undergo this intervention are at greater risk of complications because they have obesity, diabetes or coagulation problems. Hence, extreme attention and care must be taken during the operation and also in the postoperative period, since they may experience difficulties with anesthesia and even with their recovery.
- The first case of this type of intervention was carried out in 1930 with a man who became a woman as a patient: Dora-R .
- In order to undergo this operation, the person in question must meet the following requirements: be of legal age and have a certificate issued by a psychiatrist that rules out any type of temporary psychological alteration.
Among the curiosities or data of interest that exist around it is that at this time, Thailand is considered to be the country in the world where the most sex reassignment surgeries are performed. And behind that nation is Iran .
Spectrum reallocation
The notion of spectrum reallocation , on the other hand, is linked to the management carried out by the authorities of the radioelectric space .
This spectrum is finite: it can only accommodate a certain number of stations. That is why spaces are assigned by law . If changes are decided, the aforementioned reassignment will occur.