Definition of



Dogs are usually classified according to their breed.

A race is a subdivision of a species of biology that is formed from certain characteristics that differentiate its individuals from others. These particularities are transmitted through inherited genes.

It should be noted that, at the International Congress of Botany that took place in 1905 , it was decreed that the use of the concept of race as a value of taxonomy is not valid. However, its use is still very common, especially when it comes to pets. For example: “I have a poodle breed dog,” “My nephew watched Lassie on television and now wants to buy a collie breed dog,” “Siamese and Angora are my favorite feline breeds.”

The human being and the race

The concept of race is also often used in human beings . Some specialists assure, however, that the correct term to use with homo sapiens is ethnicity , while other experts maintain that ethnicity is linked to the properties of culture.

Human races are often differentiated based on visible biological characteristics such as the amount of melanin they have in their skin (that is, its color) and certain facial features. That is why in colloquial language we speak of the white race , the black race and the yellow race .

The rise of racism in Nazi Germany and other countries also contributed to the concept of race falling out of use by scientists. The main theories began to highlight that Humanity does not have isolated races due to mobility (emigration and immigration), sociability and processes of miscegenation.


The concept of race linked to the human being is out of use.

Societies and racism

Racism is, along with speciesism and sexism, one of the most atrocious evils that our societies experience. Although today there is much more information and, supposedly, greater freedom, many people are victims of this type of discrimination every day.

In the United States , for example, in recent times the number of racist groups has increased by more than 700%. Without going any further, years ago an organized gang that planned to assassinate the then President Barack Obama was arrested, solely because of his African-American condition .

In Spain and many European countries, where there is supposed to be greater tolerance, racism becomes xenophobia and, although laws usually protect the immigrant community, in practice they are not applied and many people suffer their consequences. People who cannot access this or that service just because of the color of their skin, for example. Proof of this is a measure taken by the Rajoy government with illegal immigrants in Spain; It denied all of them the right to a health card and, therefore, to public health , forcing them to pay for the services. There are thousands of other equally disastrous examples.

In other countries, such as Latin America, this type of discrimination targets those who come from poorer regions, from the north of the country, or who belong to aboriginal cultures.

Race as a factor of discrimination

Racism exists in every corner of the earth . Humans continue to divide and humiliate those who are different, even being capable of killing because of it. Humanity boasts of being superior to animals for its ability to think and, however, and although this hypothesis has less and less basis, it is capable of destroying everything and everyone who opposes its way of living. In this case, to those who have physical characteristics different from yours.

One of the things that characterize the human species is the fear of what is different , its rejection of change and everything that may threaten its stability. For this reason, some religious people denigrate those who are not religious, saying that "they will go to hell for not believing" and trying to convert everyone to their ideology, homophobes attack homosexuals and all those open beings who accept sexual freedom, and Racists attack those who are physically and culturally different.