Definition of



An animal that crawls to move is known as a crawler.

Creeping is the adjective that applies to someone who crawls to move. The term can also be used to name the thing that moves through the air, although close to the surface.

For example: “Snakes are very common crawling animals in this region” , “If you place some type of barrier, the worms will not be able to access the plant since they are crawlers and will have no way of avoiding the obstacle” , “With a powerful low shot, the Uruguayan striker beat the Jordanian goalkeeper and scored 1-0.”

Creeping plants

Species whose development takes place on the ground , covering it as they grow, are known as creeping plants . Creeping stems , in this sense, develop lying down, establishing knots and sending out small roots every so often: “This plant cannot grow here: it has creeping stems,” “I would like to cover the garden with a nice creeping plant.”

Within the field of biology , we must also talk about the existence of the creeping juniper . It is a species of plant that is identified by having very small leaves, many branches and that produces as fruit an element that is identified by having a bluish color and giving off an odor that is not only strong but also quite nauseating.

We can also refer to creeping thyme . It is scientifically known as Thymus praecox and is a bush native to Europe that is usually found in mountain meadows. It blooms at the end of spring and has the peculiarity that it is frequently used in natural medicine. Specifically, it is very useful as an anxiolytic and even to improve digestion.


A trail dog is a hunting dog that is trained to follow a trail.

The term linked to the slaughterhouse

In some countries, the notion of slaughterhouse is used as a synonym for slaughterhouse (the place where livestock is slaughtered). In this sense, the individual who works in the slaughterhouse is called a creep.

However, the same term can also be used to refer to those people who are dedicated to taking livestock to the slaughterhouse.

Humans and creeping animals

Rastrero can also be used symbolically to criticize the person who has unworthy behavior (and who, therefore, "creeps" or develops "low" behavior ): "Be careful with Leopoldo, he is a creeping man capable of do anything to obtain a little more power” , “I do not tolerate groveling and genuflexive people who spend their entire lives obeying commands and orders” .

In the same way, we cannot forget that there is what is known as a creeping dog . This is a concept used to refer to a hunting dog; That is, one who, once his owner has shot down prey, sets about searching for it. However, it is also the dog that, based on the trail that an animal may have left, searches for it and finds it, alerting its owner so that he can hunt it.