Definition of



The rare is associated with the atypical or infrequent.

Rare is an adjective that is used to describe someone or something that is unusual, abnormal or unusual . For example: “Whiskers is a strange cat: he loves swimming and enjoys walking on a leash” , “It is strange that Maximiliano has not arrived home yet: he left the office more than two hours ago” , “It was a strange game “We won 7 to 4 with three goals on the hour.”

A behavior can be classified as rare when it escapes the most frequent parameters within a certain community. It can be said that a man who dresses in mail, a shirt and a hat and who greets all the people on the street, even those he does not know, has strange behavior .

What is considered rare varies according to society . In some cultures, it is normal for a man to live with five or six women simultaneously; In others, however, it is very strange.

The strange as suspicion or doubt

When a person refers to something as being strange, they can reveal a suspicion or doubt about the matter. If someone says “It is strange that the club has not disclosed the contract figures” , they will be suggesting that, for some reason, an institution prefers to hide the figures linked to a contract.

Calling something strange can also imply a certain uncertainty or concern : “Martina always calls me when she leaves the company: it's strange that she hasn't done it,” “Investigators believe that it's strange that the missing woman has tidied her house go to work.”


That which is extravagant is considered strange.

Social pressures

Social pressures are so strong that they push us to live within a framework we call "normality" , and most human beings adapt to these limits for fear of standing out for the wrong reasons; In other words, the normal thing is to be afraid of being called strange. Despite this, there is never a shortage of those who fight to assert their differences, to show the world that we are all different from someone , that we can all be strange or normal, depending on the perspective , and that this should not have qualitative connotations.

When talking about evolution , scientists never miss the opportunity to show off the growth of our brain over the centuries and millennia that we have walked this planet; However, they never bother to explain that despite this progress there are still fathers who banish or murder their children for being homosexual or for not complying with any of the family mandates, men who condemn and torture their wives for setting foot outside. from the cage that was assigned to them instead of life, children and adolescents who lead their companions to death through mockery more cruel than many wars.

Curiously, not only those who are labeled as weird suffer, but the term itself must also endure a one-dimensional use tinged with negative connotations, just as it happens, for example, to discrimination and rejection. The RAE dictionary defines discriminating as the action of "excluding certain things to select others"; Reject , for its part, among its multiple meanings, mentions “resistance to the enemy .” Could we survive without excluding what harms us to select what nourishes us? Or without forcing our enemies to retreat?

In everyday speech, these words are mainly associated with their negative meanings, those that serve to attack minorities. The line between an opinion and an attack is so thin, because of the wounds our species has caused in history, that it is difficult for us to trust the good will of others. The day we can say that " that boy with the hat looks strange" without it being understood as an insult, or that we can reject the company of a person without it being interpreted as hatred for racial, sexual or religious reasons, we will have achieved true evolution .