Definition of



Rhapsody is the free union of different thematic and rhythmic units, which have no connection between themselves.

Rhapsody is a notion that has several meanings. Before moving forward with the definition, it is important to know in depth the etymological origin of the term. Thus, we must be clear that it comes from the Latin rhapsodia which, in turn, emanates from the Greek word rhapsoidia . This noun is formed with two clearly differentiated parts:

  • The verb rhaptein , which can be translated as "assemble."
  • The name aidein , which is synonymous with "song" .

Rhapsody in poetry

It can be, according to the first meaning collected by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), the segment of an epic poem that is recited independently of the work as a whole.

Rhapsodies, in this sense, existed in ancient Greece when a rhapsode took a piece of a poem by Homer and was in charge of reciting it, leaving aside the rest of the verses. It should be noted that rhapsodes were those who toured various locations to recite fragments of poems by the aforementioned Homer or other authors.


"Bohemian Rhapsody" is one of Queen's most famous songs.

The concept in music

In the field of music , rhapsody is known as the theme that is composed from the free union of various rhythmic and thematic units , which have no link with each other. In centuries past, composers such as Johannes Brahms and Franz Liszt created rhapsodies that became popular.

We cannot overlook various compositions of this type that had great impact throughout history, such as the following:

  • «Rhapsody in blue» . It was in 1924 that this composition was written by George Gershwin, who premiered it that same year in New York . Classical and other jazz elements are combined in it, whose 1946 version, performed by Ferde Grofé , is considered one of the most important pieces of all time in the United States .
  • «Rhapsody on a theme by Paganini» . The Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943) was the one who created this piece, which is a set of just over twenty variations on "Capricho No. 24" by the Italian violinist and composer Niccolo Paganini Bocciardo .

«Bohemian Rhapsody»

Closer in time , one of the most famous rhapsodies is "Bohemian rhapsody" (or "Bohemian rhapsody" , in its original language) by the group Queen . It was composed by Freddy Mercury and released on the album "A night at the opera" , which was released in 1975 .

"Bohemian Rhapsody" is made up of six fragments. An introduction sung a cappella is followed by a piano ballad; then it is the turn of a guitar solo, an operatic part, a rock segment and it closes with the coda. Regarding the lyrics, although Mercury never wanted to give details or precisions, it has been interpreted that it reflects a conflict with his sexuality .

Finally, Rapsodia is the name of an Argentine fashion brand, born in 1999 , which is defined by making eclectic style compositions.