Definition of



A ranch is a precarious home.

Ranch is a term that can be used in different ways. One of its most common uses in South America refers to precarious housing , built with few resources. For example: "The soccer player grew up on a ranch that had no running water or electricity and today he is a millionaire," "The rulers should do something so that those who live on ranches can access more decent housing," "The hurricane destroyed dozens of ranches in the rural area of ​​the province .

A ranch can have a dirt floor, a tin roof and cardboard walls, to name one possibility. Therefore, a storm can very easily knock it down or damage its structure . The ranches are built improvisedly, without the participation of an architect or an engineer. As expected, the people who live in such buildings do not have sufficient resources to access the appropriate conditions for their own development.

It can be said that a ranch lacks the materials and elements necessary to guarantee the safety of the people who live there. On a ranch there is usually no access to basic public services (electricity, water, gas), which makes living conditions poor.

Ranches in Venezuela

In Venezuela , the city of Caracas is the urban agglomeration in which there is the largest number of ranches. The origin of this phenomenon in the country dates back to the 20th century and has grown intensely throughout the current century. In the 1950s , President Marcos Pérez Jiménez proposed as one of the objectives of his mandate to eradicate ranches through plans to build apartment blocks, which would be delivered to citizens.

The rulers who followed Pérez Jiménez worked on a program that consisted of the construction of these homes and their subsequent donation to the most needy, and it reached its peak starting in 2000. But despite the efforts, not only Venezuela did not manage to reduce the number of ranches in its cities, but rather the opposite happened : in 2011, for example, the results of a national census revealed that at that time almost 10% of the buildings intended for housing were of this type. .


People who lack economic resources live in the ranches.

A common meal

Ranch, on the other hand, is the name given to the common meal that is made for a large group of people. Typically, the ranch consists of portions of a stew shared by prisoners or soldiers.

The verb ranch , in this sense, is used with reference to the action of eating a ranch (a meal in common) or sharing a home: "I'm ranching with some friends, you can come with us if you want" , "Let's ranch and then we continue our journey .

ranch sauce

Also known as ranch sauce , ranch sauce is a delicious combination of flavors used to accompany grilled or baked foods. Let's see below the list of ingredients necessary for its homemade preparation:

  • 1 kg of bighead onion, also called white.
  • 250 gr of butter.
  • 1/2 liter of cola drink.
  • 100 gr of sugar.
  • tomato and barbecue sauce to taste.
  • bay leaves, thyme, salt and pepper.

The first step of preparation is to sauté the onion together with the butter; A few seconds after starting cooking, it should be seasoned with salt, pepper, two bay leaves, thyme and sugar. Once the onion has caramelized, it is time to blend the tomato and barbecue sauces and the cola drink, to finally add the mixture together with the onion and leave on low heat for 20 minutes.