Definition of

Electromagnetic radiation

satellite dishes

Radio waves and microwaves are two forms of electromagnetic radiation essential for wireless communication.

Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy that spreads through space in the form of electromagnetic waves. Each electromagnetic wave is composed of more than one electric field and magnetic field that oscillate perpendicular to each other and in the direction of wave propagation.

Electromagnetic radiation covers a wide range of frequencies , including gamma rays and radio waves , high and low frequencies respectively. It is fundamental in phenomena such as visible light, microwaves, X-rays and many other forms of radiation.


Electromagnetic radiation plays a fundamental role in science and everyday life in a variety of ways. Let's look at some reasons that highlight its importance:

  • Radio waves and microwaves , which are forms of electromagnetic radiation, are used for wireless communications, including radio, television , mobile phone, Internet connection and data transmission. These technologies are vital in modern society for the rapid and efficient transmission of information locally and globally;
  • It is essential in various medical technologies, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET) and x-rays. These techniques are essential for the diagnosis of diseases, injuries and medical conditions, allowing healthcare professionals health identify and treat health problems more accurately and timely;
  • Visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that enables illumination and vision. From the incandescent lamp to the modern light-emitting diode (LED), artificial light based on electromagnetic radiation has revolutionized the way we illuminate our homes, workplaces and public spaces, significantly improving quality of life and safety;
  • Solar radiation is the primary source of energy on Earth. The capture and conversion of this energy into electricity through solar panels is an increasingly important form of clean and renewable energy generation, contributing to climate change mitigation and energy sustainability;
  • From household appliances to personal electronic devices, the technology we use in everyday life relies heavily on electromagnetic radiation to function. Electronic circuits, communication devices, entertainment systems and a wide range of technological products rely on electromagnetic principles for their operation.

In short, electromagnetic radiation is an essential component of science and everyday life, affecting numerous aspects of our modern existence, from communication to health, energy and technology. Its proper understanding and application are crucial to the continued advancement of society and human well-being.

Green laser in the dark

The speed of light in a vacuum is a property of electromagnetic waves.


The following concepts are closely interrelated and form the basis of our understanding of electromagnetic radiation and its various applications in physics, technology and other scientific disciplines:

  • electric field : a sector of space where a test electric charge is subjected to an electric force. It is characterized by having both magnitude (intensity) and direction. In the context of electromagnetic waves, variations in the electric field are the cause of the propagation of energy;
  • Magnetic field – Similar to the electric field, it is a region of space in which a test magnetic charge will experience a magnetic force. It also has magnitude and direction. In an electromagnetic wave, variations in the magnetic field are related to variations in the electric field, and vice versa, according to Maxwell's laws of electromagnetism ;
  • electromagnetic wave : a form of energy that propagates through space in the form of oscillating electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other and in the direction of propagation. It does not require a material medium to travel and can have various wavelengths and frequencies;
  • photon : the elementary particle associated with electromagnetic radiation. In the context of quantum theory, photons are the “carriers” of electromagnetic energy and behave as both particles (with a discrete energy) and waves (with an associated wavelength). They are the basic constituents of light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation;
  • Speed ​​of light (in a vacuum) : Denoted by "c", it is a fundamental constant in physics and is the maximum speed at which any form of energy or information in the universe can travel. Its approximate value is 299,792,458 meters per second (m/s) . This speed is a fundamental property of electromagnetic waves and is independent of the frequency or wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation.
Three overlapping waves

When two or more waves overlap, interference occurs.


Below we define the fundamental properties of electromagnetic radiation to understand its behavior and its application in a variety of fields, from communication to medicine to space exploration:

  • frequency : the number of oscillations it makes per unit of time. It is measured in hertz (Hz), where 1 equals one cycle per second. The frequency is related to the energy of the radiation: the higher the frequency, the higher the energy. For example, X-rays and gamma rays have very high frequencies and therefore very high energies, while radio waves have much lower frequencies and less energy;
  • wavelength : the distance between two successive crests (or two troughs) of the wave. It is represented by the Greek letter lambda (λ) and is measured in meters. There is an inverse relationship between frequency and wavelength: the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength, and vice versa. Therefore, high-frequency waves like X-rays have short wavelengths, while low-frequency waves like radio waves have long wavelengths;
  • polarization : the orientation of the electric field. An electromagnetic wave can be polarized in a specific direction or it can be unpolarized, meaning that its electric field oscillates in all directions perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Polarization is important in applications such as radio signal transmission and LCD display technology;
  • interference : a phenomenon in which two or more electromagnetic waves overlap each other, either constructive (the crests of one add to those of the other, and the same goes for the troughs) or destructive (the crests of one add to with the valleys of the other). Interference is essential in fields such as optics and communication, and is used in technologies such as directional antennas and interferometers;
  • diffraction : the phenomenon in which an electromagnetic wave bends around an obstacle or through a narrow slit, resulting in the appearance of characteristic interference patterns. This phenomenon is responsible for the ability of waves to bend around corners and obstacles, and is critical in applications such as imaging and spectroscopy ;
  • reflection : the rebound of an electromagnetic wave when it encounters a surface, without penetrating the medium. According to the law of reflection, the angles of reflection and incidence are equivalent, measured from the normal to the surface at the point of incidence. Reflection is the basis of phenomena such as vision in mirrors and signal propagation in optical fiber;
  • refraction : the change in the direction of propagation of an electromagnetic wave when it passes between two media with different refractive index. This occurs because the speed of the wave varies as it passes through different media. Snell's law describes the relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction, along with the refractive indices of the two media. Refraction is fundamental in optics, as in the formation of images by lenses and the bending of light by prisms.