Definition of



A tantrum is anger that occurs over something insignificant.

Rabieta is the diminutive of rage . The etymological origin of this word, in turn, is found in the Latin rabies , which was the vulgar variant of rabies (translatable as "dog disease").

The concept of rabies can refer to a viral disease or, depending on the meaning that we are interested in highlighting in this case, to anger , anger or highly intense irritation .

What is a tantrum

The tantrum, therefore, is an anger or displeasure that can be very intense , but that lasts for a short time and usually has an irrelevant origin. For example: “Put aside the tantrum and return to the game, we are missing a player” , “Why are you throwing a tantrum? You already know that you have to complete your homework before going out to play” , “The athlete threw a tantrum because he did not agree with his coach's order” .

When the notion of a tantrum is applied to an adult, it is usually used in an ironic or mocking sense. A mature person is not supposed to get angry over minor issues: that's why when a man or woman expresses their anger in an exaggerated way over some minor issue, they are accused of throwing a tantrum.


A child tantrum is also known as a tantrum.

The tantrums

More common is the use of the term with respect to children. A child tantrum , also known as a tantrum , is a normal child's response to frustration, when he or she does not get what he or she wants. If the tantrum is repeated or includes a high dose of violence , it may be a psychological imbalance that requires the attention of an expert.

Tantrums in children usually occur due to the fact that they do not achieve the goal they had set for themselves, such as being bought a toy or a candy or being allowed to play more time with their friends. Be that as it may, it is important that adults adopt certain positions when facing these situations, to prevent them from happening again and so that children discover that they lead them nowhere:

  • It is important that they remain calm at all times, so that the little ones are clear that they are not getting on their parents' nerves and, therefore, “they are not winning the game.”
  • It is essential that, under no circumstances, do you yell at them. If they do, they will be teaching their children that things are resolved through verbal violence.
  • They should be more understanding if the tantrum is also influenced by the fact that they are sleepy, tired or hungry.
  • It is also recommended that adults look directly into their children's eyes during the tantrum and thus tell them, once, in a clear and simple way, the position they are adopting.
  • In the same way, parents must stoically endure the situation and allow the children to relax on their own, realizing that with their attitude they are not achieving what they intended.

Example of a child tantrum

Suppose a child wants to go play at a friend's house. His mother explains to him that it is already night, therefore he should go to sleep: tomorrow he can play with his friend. The child, however, does not accept the reasons and throws a tantrum .

Thus, he throws himself on the ground and begins to cry and scream while kicking. A few minutes later, he calms down and ends the tantrum, agreeing to go to bed at his mother's words.