Definition of


Five-year period

Anything that spans five years is classified as five-year.

Quinquennial is an adjective that is used to name that which extends during a five-year period or that occurs each said period. A five-year period, for its part, is equivalent to five years ( five years ).

For example: "The municipality announced the creation of a five-yearly award that will recognize the most important artists of each period in the region" , "The tender is renewed five-yearly" , "The manager asked me to develop a five-year plan" .

Etymology of quinquennial

Before entering fully into establishing the meaning of the term quinquennial, it is necessary to determine its etymological origin. Thus, we can say that it derives from Latin, specifically from quinquennalis , which can be translated as "what happens every five years" and that it is made up of three different parts:

  • The noun quinque , which is synonymous with "five" .
  • The name annus , meaning "year" .
  • The suffix -al , which is used to indicate that something is "relative to" .

In a planned economy, it is common for five-year plans to be developed.

A five year project

The notion of five-year plan is used to name a project that must be completed within a period of five years. Typically, these types of plans are designed and executed by the State with the objective of laying the foundations for economic development.

Five-year plans are common in countries with a planned economy , in which the State (and not the market ) is in charge of distributing resources. Through these plans, the government establishes productive objectives to be achieved over a period of five years.

Examples of five-year plans

In the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( USSR ), thirteen five-year plans were implemented between 1928 and 1991 . The first plan, therefore, was executed between 1928 and 1932 and had the purpose of achieving Soviet independence in heavy industry , preventing the nation from having to resort to foreign powers.

In Argentina , Juan Domingo Perón launched a five-year plan in 1947 that sought to modify the conditions of import and export in the country.

In that country, a second five-year plan was carried out in 1952 , framed within what was also Perón 's second term. Specifically, among the most significant measures of this project were the increase in investments from abroad, the partial restriction of the population's consumption, the establishment of the unity of the entire people based on the National Constitution and even a boost in the field of heavy industry with the clear objective of growing in it.

The five-year periods

In the same way, we cannot ignore that in certain professions, normally those that are developed as part of the functioning of the institutions of a specific State, there are five-year periods or five-year salary increases .

Basically, as its name indicates, it is a small increase in salary based on each five-year period that that professional has spent working; that is, providing active service.